
Well-known member
The film is this... surprisingly good, Liza Kudrow plays his wife who - after he was dead - revealed the somewhat damning fact that Holmes turned up at her flat shaking and covered in blood the day after the murders.

I dunno if you recall this blog we mentioned that focused on murders in Laurel Canyon (though this one was actually just outside)? It was kinda like a conspiracy theory thing which went into incredible detail about the number of unexplained deaths, often of very high profile people, in the canyon over the years, and tied many of them together in ways that would have sounded far-fetched if he hadn't gone into such meticulous and corroborated detail.

Anyway this guy mentioned the Wonderland film in passing, and it sort of caught my eye when he said that it was one of the few films about Hollywood that actually got the facts right and told the real story.

When it came out it it received almost universally negative reviews, the film was slated for being unrelentingly grim, seemingly wallowing in the filth and nastiness of the events and the milieu in which they occurred, and failing to offer any kind of redemptive arc or morality

Which to me seems to rather miss the point of true story type films (or does it? See my biopic rant). It just wouldn't have worked to say "The Armenian gangland boss forced the crack addicted porn star at gunpoint to savagely hibeat to death his drug dealer* friends with an iron bar and they all lived happily ever after"


Wasn't Nash also implicated in the brutal suicide of Bobby "I fought the law" Filler who had shown a life- threatening interest in this girlfriend?

*A charming bunch who smuggled heroin from Vietnam in the coffins of dead soldiers

immediately entered on to my "to watch" list!

sounds like my sort of film

... although maybe I should go to bed now? , been up for 30 plus hours....


cat malogen
He’s so pickled

Of all the YT footage this bloke and the spannered space cadet telly tubby twins from Eddie Richards and the east Anglian rave massive are pinnacles


Well-known member
can't find that doco online @william_kent so pls rip it for me if you can or if you could lend it me?

dunno if you have all already seen this?

PTA's short 'the dirk diggler story' that he made when he was 12 or something, his dad gave him the money. Enlightened California huh.

I couldn't get through it cos it's such bad quality, but might be of interest.

I really like Boogie nights.


Well-known member
when my dad left my mum and shacked up with a new bird he asked me if i wanted to go and see boogie nights with them. i said, uh, no.


Watched this thing Bad Sisters, I think it's a remake of a Belgian tv series relocated to Ireland. Sharon Horgan clearly asked to rewrite it, star in it and sprinkle on some magic and she definitely did the first two. Plot is there are five sisters and one of them is married to an arsehole (Claes Bang) so the others try and kill him. It begins at his funeral so we know he's dead and there are two storylines in two timelines, the first a flashback taking us to that point and the other given impetus by the ludicrous insurance company investigation into his death to prevent a payout. But it ain't Double Indemnity, the series goes on and on with stupid attempts to kill the guy and, as often with this sort of thing, the jokes get further and further apart and less funny as it goes so that by the end you've pretty much forgotten it was supposed to be a comedy. Ultimately was longing for it to finish. Though if you read the reviews this is literally the ultimate of all human achievement so what do I know?


Yesterday remembered the existence of Guillermo del Toro's horror anthology called Cabinet of Curiosities that came out last Halloween and watched the first three...

1. Lot 36 (no crying though) - decent built up when the guy buys a storage lot in which a man has been summoning demons, wasted ending
2. Something about rats - graverobber whose plunder keeps being stolen by rats. Just total bollocks really.
3. The Autopsy - guy turns up at some small town to perform an autopsy on a blood drinking serial killer and his victims. I won't say where this goes but it was way more inventive and disturbing than the previous two.


Beast of Burden
@craner someone I know recommended a Welsh TV crime series "Bang", have you seen it? Appreciate any thoughts.

No, but this isn't the first Welsh attempt to copy the Scandinavian format. Hinterland tried it years ago and it was laughably shit.

I don't think the Welsh have ever made any good TV. I mean, apart from SuperTed.
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can't find that doco online @william_kent so pls rip it for me if you can or if you could lend it me?

dunno if you have all already seen this?

PTA's short 'the dirk diggler story' that he made when he was 12 or something, his dad gave him the money. Enlightened California huh.

I couldn't get through it cos it's such bad quality, but might be of interest.

I really like Boogie nights.

There is a scene in Boogie Nights based on the robbery of Eddy Nash in fact. In that film it is played sort of for laughs when Marky Mark and his friends go to the guy's house to sell him some fake coke and then pull a gun and try to rip him off. They ending up running away as the guy takes pot shots at them. In reality there was no such deal, Holmes merely left the door open at Nash's place and his mates went in about five am armed with guns. Nash really did a bodyguard who was a hefty black guy and the one in Boogie Nights is obviously meant to be him. He was shot during the robbery but I think he survived.

So this scene in BN

And this in Wonderland

Are both based on the same real life events.

Nash was certainly a charming guy, I read that at his parties he liked to go for a big shit and then offer a load of coke to any woman there who would get down and lick his arse clean.


Anyone know what Phrogging is? It's a word I'd heard said but I was unaware of the spelling until I saw the programme about it on the newly discovered crime channel.

Maybe it's common knowledge, but for those that don't know, phrogging is when someone secretly lives in someone else's house, usually by hiding in the attic or cellar or some kind of crawl space etc typically venturing out when the legitimate occupants are at work or whatever.

So there's a documentary series that compiles the experience of a load of "Survivors of phrogging" as it literally calls them, and although it's pretty much the lowest quality telly imaginable, to me it's kinda fascinating. It stretches the definition pretty far but there are some good stories, typically they start with "I'm sure we had more peanut butter" or wondering why the toilet seat keeps being left up in a house full of women, then probably a child swears they saw an eye staring at them from a cupboard, things go missing, strange noises in the ceiling - proper horror movie stuff... until the final denouement when the phrogger is normally revealed to be, not some terrifying psychopath, but rather a dirty, hungry and scared runaway or similar.


Anyone seen this thing called The Idol? A sort of satire on popstar fame or something starring the daughter of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis.

I think the Weeknd (or is Wknd or even Wkend I can never remember) came up with the idea and wrote and produced it. His whole schtick (or a big part of it) is writing about the terrible emptiness of fame with its endless shallow parties and the nightmarish superficiality of being paid enormous sums of money to be adored by millions and forced to consume mountains of top quality cocaine while nailing countless beautiful women.... so he is the perfect
and obvious choice to write about beautiful but ugly people being sucked into the fame/money-machine, and also about the less beautiful but even uglier industry types who are fighting like rats in a sack to pull the right levers and climb ever higher.

So on the face of it another "It's a shit business" type thing which helpfully points out that the music industry might have some nasty and powerful characters running it behind the scenes, and also that, at times, some of the people involved might even care more about money than art (ie the pop music they are making). So it sort of boils down to whether you like that kind of thing and whether you think the involvement of Mr The Weeknd bodes well or not.

However, there is one more relevant bit of behind the scenes backstory etc it seems that when about eighty percent of it was in the can they decided to change what it was about - not totally, it's still about a popstar in LA of course, they didn't change it to an action adventure set on Mars or anything - but I understand they changed the overall story significantly and the emphasis of every aspect, they also changed the director along with a significant portion of the cast and put in more sex.

I don't know how common it is to change what your telly show is about when it's almost finished but I have a feeling that it's not normally a good sign. The new director is the one who did Euphoria (the tv series) and Assassination Nation (a film which I rather enjoyed) and they were already involved as a producer or something so they didn't just join out of nowhere, but it still seems a bit strange to me.

Anyway, yesterday I saw the first episode and I'm gathering my thoughts for a review... see below.


The Idol, episode one review...

At the start it really focused a lot on her tits, in fact for the first five to ten minutes it was pretty much all about Depp's tits. The camera was basically glued to her tits and her top was very revealing, split down the middle and threatening to open totally. So a lot of the dramatic tension hung on that, there were a lot of moments where you were sort of thinking "is that her nipple just poking out?" and then the camera angle would change before you could be sure, and then you would be wondering if her other nipple was visible. Anyway, it has to be said that - no pun intended - they milked this skilfully as much as they possibly could, to the extent where some people might have actually reached a point where they seriously thought "is she gonna get em out or what?" - but, in the end the big moment arrived and BANG she got her knockers out.

After that there was really only one way it could go, the narrative switched to her ass and, you have to hand it to them, they had clearly put a lot - and I do mean a LOT - of thought into this part. I honestly didn't realize that there so many ways to take a picture of someone's bum - she's lying in bed bringing her knees to her chest, now she's crawling, she's dancing in a short t-shirt that rides upwards, her g-string is so small they must have developed a new material to build it, the thing is literally about three atoms thick, amazing stuff, I had to admit.

I think they may have even invented a couple of totally new ass-shots. Breathtaking, in many ways it reminded me of Tarkovsky at his most heartrendingly powerful. Though when you think about it Tarkovsky was just banging on about God and the meaning of life and stuff like that so it's hardly comparable to a picture of a hot girl's bum.

What was also very clever in this bit was the way it referred back to the previous sub+plot - we thought that was done, we were deep into arse, and then suddenly, bang tits! Tits AND ass together, how do they think of this stuff!

Then we see Lily-Rose with cum all over her face, then she masturbates a bit while choking herself and then The Weeknd turns up and... to be honest I kinda lost concentration at that point sadly but it went on for a few more minutes and then finished.

It will be interesting to see which way they take it next week, will it go boring Weeknd talky-talky blah blah, or will it go sexy-sexy tits?