
festering. the power lies in the ability to say things that are very obvious but unsayable elsewhere...s tatus and beauty hiearchies in relation to sex and all that. hurt men gravitating towards painful truths and bonding over it
Exactly. It is precisely because progressive worldview completely, unequivocally rejects as true those kernels of truth which lie within the toxic ideology—which new members recognize as true, causing them to join.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
It's one of the many reasons why her work is so important as a counter-balance to the masculine (capitalistic, conflict-oriented) paradigm of neo-Darwinist evolutionary thought.
This idea relies on the assumption that capitalism and competition are inherently masculine, though - or at least, inherently un-feminine - which I don't think they are.


This idea relies on the assumption that capitalism and competition are inherently masculine, though - or at least, inherently un-feminine - which I don't think they are.
"Inherently" no. But coded, or culturally, sure.


Well-known member
The male lesbian is the cisgendered, heterosexual feminine male. Please don't call me gay. And I spent ten years developing my theory of male femininity, it's as authentic as it gets.


What have you learned in your ten years of development? Let's hear more about this theory. I'm sure you have plenty of material to copy-paste

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
The male lesbian is the cisgendered, heterosexual feminine male. Please don't call me gay. And I spent ten years developing my theory of male femininity, it's as authentic as it gets.
If you studied your dissensus elders you’d know that I have a woman’s brain. A machine in the science museum told me in 2013. An alpha male with woman’s brain yes. Unstoppable force. I was a male lesbian when you were in nappies


Sure, but attempts to rectify that just result in things like major weapons manufacturers having female CEOs and celebrating Pride Month:

which I'm sure is a great comfort to the Yemeni children being blown to bits by the US-made bombs dropped on them by the Saudis.
I think it's the epitome of stupidity to think that electing a woman to some institutional position will at all change the behavior of the institution—that the woman will have an "inherent femininity" which leads her to be more pacifist and cooperative and selfless in decision-aking. To rise to such a position requires winning a selection tournament which will only admit and advance those players who play in such a way as the game is structured to admit and advance. The "starting" or "essential" identity of the tournament winner is meaningless, because they will have to be—or have to transform themselves—into exactly the sort of person they replace.

In fact, it often goes the opposite way. You do not want to be in the sole Guantanamo cell with a female head guard. She has something to prove, and she will be merciless in proving it. It might not be a coincidence that Hillary Clinton was such a warhawk.

But all this is separate from the conversation that's actually going on, which is about whether those virtues and attitudes we historically construe as feminine have any "medical" merit to saving the patient, which is variously "the manosphere" or "late-stage capitalism" depending on how vaguely you want to construe it.



this is the future MaleLesbian wants


Well-known member
What have you learned in your ten years of development? Let's hear more about this theory. I'm sure you have plenty of material to copy-paste

A big thing I learned was, gender is a kind of representation. Behaviors represent gender. And this is interesting because behaviors are representations unlike concepts or sensation. They are actual concrete material processes that embodied persons carry out. Thus, Butler's theory, though constructionist, is a materialist one. What complicates the picture is that Butler claims that bodies materialize language. On her performative theory of gender, even our verbal utterances count as behaviors understood in a social context. Thus bodily behaviors represent our characters just like our lingusitic statements do. Butler believes that all reality is mediated by categories. This means that we only have indirect knowledge of nature. But, contrary to popular belief, this does not mean that Butler denies the reality of science. If anything, science is just another way of interpreting matter, just like culture is, and both interpretations have their own different theoretical virtues and vices. It's worth noting that Butler firmly takes the side of culture when it comes to the nature/culture binary. But she doesn't have to. Although she lacks a theory of science, she leaves the door open for one. Certainly we don't have to reduce biological sex to behavioral gender like she did. We can just affirm two independent, irreducible interpretations of the human body: sex and gender.

But let's return to the topic of representation. A big problem for Butler is establishing the persistence of a person's identity. See, if behaviors define gender, then my gender lasts as long as my behaviors do. How then, do I know I exist as, for example, a man, if I act feminine all the time? Sure I don't have to prove my masculinity, but the deeper question is, what reliable indicator do I have that any underlying self exists below my phenomenal behaviors? My solution to this problem is to posit an actual intuition that represents the gender I most identify with. It may seem very weak to claim that a mere feeling establishes the continuation of an individual's gender identity across time, but it should suffice to say that this intuition is one of our most strongly and authentically felt feelings, and only the individual possessor of a gender-intuition can say what the truth is about their gender-intuition.
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Well-known member
festering. the power lies in the ability to say things that are very obvious but unsayable elsewhere...s tatus and beauty hiearchies in relation to sex and all that. hurt men gravitating towards painful truths and bonding over it

The FDS lot acknowledge this stuff and think it's a good thing.


Well-known member
post your favourite male lesbian essay youve ever written. you have to do it in the next 35 seconds or everyone is going to think youre a satirist secretly working for the manosphere
For the record, I am working on a male lesbian essay. It's an abbreviation of the book I wrote about the male lesbian. If anyone on this forum really wants to see it, I can send it to them once it's done. And it won't be done for awhile.