
At the moment it feels that MAGA or at least the part of it that holds elected office has quite a problem in that they have told so many lies that their base is living in a world or a reality that was created for them, and now they want results that the party is completely unable to deliver cos that reality is not real

The latest things are the sentences for the Proud Boys. On Jan 6th they were there and they filmed themselves breaking in or smashing stuff up or inciting others to do that. So the feds used the videos to track them down and arrested them and put them on trial where they were found guilty and then sentenced - often by Trump appointed judges - in accordance with the law. Maybe at the stiffer end, but there's not much I n the way of recourse.

So all these voices they've been reading online saying "there was no insurrection" or "the FBI and Antifa teamed up and did it" or "Pelosi blocked the guard from coming" - they believed all that stuff and they thought it would somehow count for something at this point.... but it didn't.


And it's the same with the Trump indictments. Whatever you believe about the timing and how it can affect the election, and whether or not you think you think the DOJ had been weaponised or politicized, the bottom line is that Trump was dumb enough to do stuff which made it possible for a grand jury to look at and decide there was a case to answer. So once that happened the indictments followed and cos they've been done by the book like that it's kinda hard for the GOP to stop them.

What you get is MTG or Gaetz or whoever going on twitter and saying "Biden has done this" etc and banging on about him interfering with the election, but I'm not sure it's done them that much of a favour cos people believed them and now they want them to stop it and they can't.

Recently we've had a few low-level idiots announcing stupid grandstanding stuff like "impeach Fani Willis" or "Defund the DOJ" and when they do that a few MAGA morons go "at last someone is doing something" but they're not really cos the Georgia Senate wasn't even in session and they didn't get anywhere near convening an emergency session to even consider impeaching Willis - and they must have known they wouldn't cos the governor Kemp had a veto and he was the one who recorded the call that Trump is being indicted for in the first place.

So at the moment you got loads of MAGA GOP cunts tweeting in outrage but none of them can do anything, and you gotta think people are gonna get fed up of that at some point.


I can't help thinking that while this attitude prevails Trumpletons are gonna keep getting arrested and sent down and won't really understand why...

Because the Justice System is owned by Soros, Schwab and the Rothschilds! The Khazarian Mafia from Ukraine. The CABAL. The global elite Mafia. All the same PEOPLE.


This guy Biggs phoned Alex Jones to say that he was hoping that

a) Trump would win the election and
b) When he does he will pardon everyone convicted for their part in the insurrection, specifically Biggs' seventeen year stretch.

I have to say that I personally would not like to stake my liberty on Trump winning AND then keeping his promise. I'm not sure if this guy is familiar with how Trump operates... oh, I'm sure it will be fine, there's a first time for everything, even Trump telling the truth... probably... maybe.

I hope so anyway, sounds as though the food ain't too great in the big house

Joe Biggs, the Proud Boy who was sobbing after bring sentenced to 17 years in prison for storming the Capitol on January 6th, was complaining to Alex Jones that "The food (in prison) is horrible. You can't eat the food here. It is not edible in any kind of way."


Binary & Tweed



One of them is a pathologically dishonest demagogue and cult leader who dragged down everyone who associated with him, who preyed on women, tried to start a race war and eventually incited his followers to deadly violence resulting in the last years of his life being spent in prison... the other is a pathologically dishonest demagogue and cult leader who dragged down everyone who associated with him, who preyed on women, tried to start a race war and eventually incited his followers to deadly violence resulting in the last years of his life being spent in prison - and is also a fat orange cunt with tiny little hands.


Victory lap
Meanwhile, your man just had his mike cut mid press confernce and left the stage to what sounded like a John legend instrumental.



Oh, fuck off you deranged banjo string
An incisive and thought-provoking point... obviously I touched a nerve there, I didn't realise that you were such a Manson fanboy you'd lose your shit at this unflattering comparison.

Meanwhile, your man just had his mike cut mid press confernce and left the stage to what sounded like a John legend instrumental.


My man? Not sure I have one. I know it blows Trumpleton minds but just cos I see Trump doing something idiotic and illegal and then I mention it and laugh at him, it doesn't at all mean that I have some kind of slavish devotion to his rival.

Though, if I did, I'd hardly be devastated by his mic being cut would I? Seems weird that you would laugh like a drain at that; your actual man is being indicted all over the shop and his shady associates are falling like drunken ninepins and you think that that is a worthwhile riposte? You've really totally lost all perspective.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Meanwhile, your man just had his mike cut mid press confernce and left the stage to what sounded like a John legend instrumental.

Your mind is so limited that you think anyone who can see Trump for the pathetic freak he is must love Biden as much as you love Trump, don't you?

I mean, that's literally the level you're at, isn't it? "Oh, so you're a cat lover? WHY DO YOU WANT TO EXTERMINATE ALL DOGS, YOU PSYCHO!!!"

Be honest now. Do you have someone who looks after you?

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
You must be having a really shit holiday if coming on here and posting this gibberish is the most fun thing you can think of to do.


Victory lap
An incisive and thought-provoking point... obviously I touched a nerve there, I didn't realise that you were such a Manson fanboy you'd lose your shit at this unflattering comparison.

My man? Not sure I have one. I know it blows Trumpleton minds but just cos I see Trump doing something idiotic and illegal and then I mention it and laugh at him, it doesn't at all mean that I have some kind of slavish devotion to his rival.

Though, if I did, I'd hardly be devastated by his mic being cut would I? Seems weird that you would laugh like a drain at that; your actual man is being indicted all over the shop and his shady associates are falling like drunken ninepins and you think that that is a worthwhile riposte? You've really totally lost all perspective.
it's practically all you ever talk about. And for years. That and cocaine enemas or whatever it takes to start your motor these days.

These indictments are clearly politically motivated because he's set to win big after the sorry shitshow of the past couple of years. Full bananification of the republic or civil war is where it's going, but so long as orange man is not in the white house...

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
it's practically all you ever talk about. And for years. That and cocaine enemas or whatever it takes to start your motor these days.

These indictments are clearly politically motivated because he's set to win big after the sorry shitshow of the past couple of years. Full bananification of the republic or civil war is where it's going, but so long as orange man is not in the white house...
Still cheering on a daughter-fucking nonce, I see.


it's practically all you ever talk about. And for years. That and cocaine enemas or whatever it takes to start your motor these days.

These indictments are clearly politically motivated because he's set to win big after the sorry shitshow of the past couple of years. Full bananification of the republic or civil war is where it's going, but so long as orange man is not in the white house...

Suppose they were politically motivated, they wouldn't be possible if he wasn't stupid enough to repeatedly commit crimes in full view such that neutral grand juries decided that he needed to be indicted... it's so much easier to just parrot "politically motivated" than it is to give a real reason why he shouldn't be inducted for stealing classified documents or being heard on the phone asking the governor to "find me enough votes to win".

As for the first "point" if you can call it that, I clearly cover a far wider range of topics than you do here, it's not even close. I don't get why you would make an issue of something at which you yourself perform far worse... I guess the only possible explanation is utterly crass stupidity. You fucking dummy.


Trump's tactics for fighting his indictments etc seem to involve a barrage of, on the face of it at least, mainly trivial legal actions.

He's constantly trying to delay them which I do get - the later the trials, the closer they will be to the elections and so the optics on his election interference claims will improve (er, as long as you ignore the fact that he made them happen then) and, better still, if he can delay them until after he's (hopefully) won the elections then the waters of a trial or any sentencing will be muddied like crazy which can only work in his favour.

But he and his minions are constantly trying to change the courts where it happens, remove prosecutors and judges etc today he tried to get the judge in the document trial removed - which I don't get. If she was removed what makes him think the replacement would be better for him? Anyway that was yet another, presumably costly failure. He's also trying today to delay the NY civil case, the decision on that one yet to be made.

In addition there are the related trials from his co-conspirators. I forget the name of his lawyer who simply ignored the Jan 6th committee sub-poena, he's facing jail time and is gonna appeal of course. Trump moaned about the result afterwards but took no steps to offer him executive privilege earlier when it night have helped.

Mark Meadows is constantly trying to have his case moved to federal court, to no avail so far, from what I've read his argument is very weak but he instantly appeals each defeat - presumably the thinking here is that if it's in federal court and Trump becomes pres he could pardon him, which he wouldn't be able to do for a state conviction. Apparently a lot of the others charged will be watching Meadows' attempt closely cos they are in the same boat. People are saying that Meadows case can be viewed as a test and if he can't manage it they may as well give up.

Trump has said he will give Giuliani a million dollars towards his legal fees (probably best not to rely on that until it's actually in his account mind) while traffic law specialist Jenna Ellis who was way waaaay out of her depth when trying to overturn the election but still worked so closely with Rudy that he was able to fart on her in public, is out of favour and has been cut loose, leaving her to moan on twitter about Trump not giving her any money for her defence, despite her using all her legal expertise to stand quite near the courts wherein Trump's seemingly endless army of cases marched in and were almost instantly despatched.

And that's what it feels like now. After the election Trump went to court countless times with poorly prepared spurious nonsense cases that were instantly thrown out, appealed, thrown out... and so on.

To me that felt like a tactic a rich man could use to defeat a plaintiff in a housing dispute or similar who would eventually run out of time and money and agree to settle - but unless he actually thought the DNC would eventually get so tired of winning really really easily and say "oh fuck it you can be president" it was completely the wrong approach... as time proved Trump was fighting the wrong war. And I wonder if it's the same again; countless pointless cases that will just piss off the judges, ninety percent of which he will lose, and which will gain him very little if he does win.

And this time Trump has to pay, not the GOP, no wonder he's constantly fundraising.


Trump's propaganda team played the endless court defeats well mind, his followers are still convinced that there was loads of strong evidence but somehow it was not allowed to be presented and the cases were all unfairly kicked out - this despite the fact that the cases are all in the public domain, with the reasons for them not reaching full trial shown - which was often cos the evidence was so laughable it didn't reach the most basic standard. Trumpletons won't read them however, they would rather live in their own comforting world than risk any reality intruding.

But this is yet another example of MAGA being very successful at spreading outright lies... but where I wonder how useful that is beyond making people angry, it constantly inflates hopes which are then dashed when the lie collides with reality.

This is a genuine question; is that a good tactic? I think the assumption is that if propaganda succeeds in spreading your narrative then it has worked but I'm wondering if that's always a good thing.