i owe ian 4 pieces today bc yesterday was too live to do my assigned reading
thinking about how much talent Version has and heThe presentation really adds to the effect. That fantastical blue city looming out of the mist; the images dotted throughout each entry; the pixelated header. Really emphasises the old histories line in Palimpsestscapes. Xanadu rubs up against the digital; Borges discovers Nintendo.
Idea of the "unvoice" jumped out at me, although I also read it as "univoice" at first and thought you were getting at some sort of master voice, containing all other voices and running beneath music like a rock layer. The voice heard across the portal. A combination of Xenakis' treasure room and Ahab sensing the features of a face behind the world. Certain configurations of sound drilling through and making contact.
If you want web3 stuff, paragraph.xyz is good, I've been using that for a year or so. They just merged with Mirror, which had been the leading web3 blogging platform before.What's a good platform to blog these days?
How to internalise but not to dissolve but sediment?
might be ill be off still with either notion or a gh pages obsidian thingy, most of the simplest options ive seen around seem to resemble either of thoseWhat are your goals?
If you don't care about RSS/mailing/distribution, and just wanna pass around to friends or keep for yourself, there are a ton of fun options:
- Are.na channel as blog
- Shared Google doc as blog
- Dissensus thread
If you want a "real" blog w/ RSS, I really like blot.im. Lovely Markdown interface. Recommended only if you have a lil bit of developer experience.
Wordpress and Blogspot are still around and chuggin, just ask Mvuent. I sorta hate my Wordpress but I'm stuck on it and it works. Really bulky, kinda ugly, and I spend $80 a year for the custom domain, but I haven't hated it enough to offboard.
There's always Tumblr.
If I make something that exists in a computer environment, why make it sound like it’s in a cathedral or something? [So reverb is kind of the trompe l’oeil to the abstract expressionism of pure synthesis?]
blade runner vs kool fm would have more to do with the palimpsest one, imo. i do think super hostile vs super docile is fundamental and primal, places of danger vs places of sanctuary and all, but it's perhaps annoyingly overexplained in that post given the obviousness of the idea.frankly the super hostile super docile piece on this read round not so gripping not so much for me, too dissensus framework rn. "blade runner jungle vs. kool fm jungle" or Wotever
very true. if you made a substack and started copy and pasting all his best dissensus posts on it you'd have a very strong body of work.thinking about how much talent Version has and hewastesspends it on Dissensus