
Cat Malogen
i think it is because they are capable of experiencing pleasure. we cant. i dont know why and i dont have a theory.

“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“
Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.
“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement"

Simon silverdollarcircle

Well-known member
i dont know. i was out drinking today and it felt to me, and perhaps i was projecting, that the country was experiencing a chastening
sense of shame. it was very very quiet. i was doing a pub crawl by myself and there was a very strange and subdued atmosphere.
do you want to come round simon? ive got a bottle of bourbon and some oven chips
I would love to but I don't live in London anymore. I will be in London in a couple of weeks tho. LUKE IM OUTSIDE HOUR FLAT NOW LET ME IN


Well-known member
i look back on thhis tournment with a lot of happiness. the first game i saw was the danish boy having a heart attack. id had a life threatening
piss up with woops. hed come back to mine and pissed in my t-shirt drawer and tried to sleep in my bed. i woke up to him playing
sesame street on my casio keyboard and i found it very distressing actually but we went to the pub and drank about £200 worth of booze
which cheered me up. he later found himself sitting on pavement in sydenham drinking a beer. he was trying to get to stoke newington
ended up in sydenham. good fun. i watched the denmark match in the red lion in hythe.


Well-known member
london is a lifetime commitment. it is interesting how many blow ins are moving out though. and
i get it. london feels seriously oppressive at the moment. you cant do much with it


Well-known member
im not interested in going oh disgraceful digsusting but i am interested in what it is about britain that produces these
behaviours. its not just england we saw the same from the scots and the welsh


Well-known member
im sure the climate is a factor. i was working yesterday by the thames and the day was oppresive. trapped heat. low cloud. costive sky. trapped energy. and very struck by how joyless the rituals of the 'supporters' were. i didnt see a single happy person. that stuck with me and felt signicifacnt


Well-known member
knots of 'lads' in branded bucket hats drinking red and white lager cans, bud, stella,


Well-known member
the atmosphere getting increasingly edgy and volatile as the pub gak and lager took people into the psycho-drama wastelands


Well-known member
and again youre left with the question of what takes the place of pleasure if you cant experience pleasure


Well-known member
obviously that is objectively funny and objectively good. but its psycholically psycosexually emotionally quite dense, rich, intrigueing


Well-known member
@thirdform its a photo of someone inserting a flare smoke bomb thing into their anus while a crowd of fat lads looks on cheering and filming