How have you changed?


Wild Horses
Biceps/thighs/shoulders/back are all bigger. Gut is smaller, it's been near to gone at some points but has crept back up. Exercising like a lunatic has been the saving grace of lockdown. Directly the fault of Dissensus or actually Padraig for putting me onto Marcus Filly.

Downsides -Mid to late 40s and/or young kids you dial back the socialising anyway. I think this has sped that process up to a brutal degree. I was thinking last night about going to the pub every Thurday near enough, and then whatever the weekend threw up. Seems very much like a different life.
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Wild Horses
Started meditating again. Don't think it's owt to do with lockdown but I guess the time at home makes it easier. Felt a bit like a homecoming, like why did you leave this for so long you big divvy.

Political culture seems more and more insane and toxic by the day. Seems little to hope for there beyond Brexit blowing up and leaving those who facilitated it smeared in shit but I'm sure they'll just rub it over everyone else like usual. The Reddit vs Wall Street thing and the Capitol invasion are adding to the end of days feel.
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Had a grim time during lockdown one after getting the virus, full body psoriasis rash that wouldn't ease for weeks, insomnia making anxiety spike, nausea, fatigue, palpitations, twitching, lost my sense of humour for a month! It felt like it went on for eternity without knowing what the fuck it was because longer symptoms were just coming into view - and amidst being terrified of passing it on and having people around me deny the virus exists, it was a headfuck. But I feel a bit stronger having come through all that and closer to people who helped and put up with me.

I feel like I've aged several years. I've also become a full blown wino.


Well-known member
how much have you drunk this week? can you please detail your drink consumption. it will make me feel better about myself.


Well-known member
no its really punitive. you must feel fucked. insides hurting. low energy. gloomy thoughts.


Well-known member
you can get sober with me if you want. im a month ahead of you so i can offer encouragement. woops was doing it too but he got bored and drank 20 beers the other night which is why hes not here now.
Insides do hurt. I’ve had weird pangs on and off for about 10 months. Is it some post viral syndrome or a more sedentary lifestyle, potentially both. I feel oddly calm most of the time now and maybe out of sync with the wider mood of the news etc. I think it’s partly because of that totally bleak period and how I’ve trained myself to cope, partly relief of being out of all that


Cat Malogen
Accepting the next 4/5 years are going to be a rippling, slow downgrading of anxiety, reducing it incrementally into chunks of time softens the sense of lost time. You can mediate with blocks of reorganisation, logistics, but it’s exposed this country’s political weaknesses more than ever, so you have to be your own command and control centre.

Rumsfeld’s unknown unknowns line is an honest one in terms of its veracity, have citizenship options and feel like this country has the potential to get very rowdy over the next few years. The US election is incidental, it’s the Torysphere and stupidity in their rank and file is grotesque. We’ve procrastinated over Brexit for years and then a real, life threatening reality hits and they serve up Matt Hancock. Matt fuckin Hancock. Diarrhoea souled cunt.

All of them witches.


Well-known member
give up the booze with me shiels and we will reward ourselves with some lovely drugs later on. you dont want to feel all beaten up and internally bruised and walk around with a dark cloud over your head.


Well-known member
Shiels that sounds like a really rough experience with the virus tbh, but sounds like you are on top of it now. Very bastard time too right.
Rumsfeld’s unknown unknowns line is an honest one in terms of its veracity, have citizenship options and feel like this country has the potential to get very rowdy over the next few years. The US election is incidental, it’s the Torysphere and stupidity in their rank and file is grotesque. We’ve procrastinated over Brexit for years and then a real, life threatening reality hits and they serve up Matt Hancock. Matt fuckin Hancock. Diarrhoea souled cunt.

All of them witches.

Irish unification expedited. Scotland too wales why not