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  1. J

    Lost Books/Unrealised Projects

    Someone says in another thread: "Monte Hellman was penciled in to make so many films he didn't make, its a shame to think what could have happened." I'd like to start a thread about the great lost books and unrealized projects. I can think of the following: The second volume of Gogol's Dead...
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    Mountain Goats

    [21:40:50] Fred says: does this beast not look amazing? [21:40:56] Agnes says: It does [21:41:12] Fred says: regal [21:41:13] Agnes says: mythic [21:41:18] Fred says: imperious [21:41:19] Fred says: noble [21:41:50] Agnes says: I want to know how large it is [21:42:03] Fred says: it looks like...
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    The Masses Rise

    This is quite interesting: Or perhaps more precisely, where the dynamic assumes a startling visual form:
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    Taxonomy of Metal

    My friend sent me this: Pretty good, I think.
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    Keith Moon

    I've been watching videos on YouTube. I forgot how amazing he was. Roger Daltry, less so.
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    Is Dissensus Learning?

    Or, is the internet learning? Over the last ten or so years, the internet has increasingly become part of our lives, the lives of our generation. It has clearly altered our minds in a complex way; it has made more information available to us than ever before. I wonder if the effect which it is...
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    Animal Collective

    I've been listening to the new album and quite like it - it is very pleasant to listen to - but it seems a bit tame. Like pet collective, really. Then some friends and I saw them live in Berlin, and it felt a bit flat. Where is the beastliness? The ferociousness? The murderous chaos and violence...
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    Pretentious Crap

    I will give a prize of one jellybean, dispatched through the mail, to anyone who is able to provide a definition of "pretentious crap." Just to provide some brief context, it is really my interest in the political transcendental hermeneutics of ontology that has led me to ask this question. I...
  9. J

    karima francis This is very strange. She looks exactly like Dylan circa 1966. But her persona is the complete opposite of Dylan '66.
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    I recently became obsessed with mathematics. I lie awake at night, thinking of patterns. I have discovered the following things. 1) Points. Points are pure positions. 2) Lines. Lines trace relationships between points. 3) Angles. Angles describe relationships between lines. That is as far as...
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    music for fucking

    of course, very relative. you get a different experience listening to, say, slayer, than you would listening to carla bruni... audio recordings of the bible are interesting.
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    What are you rewriting?

    A lifelong preoccupation with Control and Virus. Having gained access the virus uses the host's energy, blood, flesh and bones to make copies of itself. Model of dogmatic insistence never never from without was screaming in my ear, “YOU DON'T BELONG HERE!” Stuff like that.
  13. J

    New Year's Resolutions

    Mine is: "To no longer get into arguments." Anyone else have one?
  14. J

    Lizard Brains

    I was reading Slate this evening, and came across this paragraph: "Prince of Persia—Ubisoft's adventure of a tower-climbing, cliff-jumping prince and his princess companion that posits that, yes, you actually can craft a romance in a game. The slowly developing flirtation of male and female...
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    The concept of fascism is quite denuded of content these days - often used simply as a glorified insult rather than a term possessing real political content. But Adam Kirsch calls Zizek a fascist in his recent TNR piece, and I wonder or not whether this might be true. That is, it does seem to me...
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    Do Animals Think?

    I was reading today this review: About Alex the talking parrot, and began thinking about the vexed question of language and animals. Is language unique to humans? Or not? Any thoughts?
  17. J

    What is Politics

    I was having a coffee with a colleague yesterday, and at one point she said to me: "We have a different understanding of the word 'politics.'" I'd been talking about the political implications of the internet and had been making the case that the internet was creating new patterns of social...
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    Obama and Philosophy

    So long as the Republicans fail to stage the greatest voting fraud in history, Barack Obama will win the US Presidency tomorrow night in a historic landslide. I'm interested in what Dissensus contributors think the Obama Event means for politics - in the widest possible sense - more generally...
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    My Life as a Fake

    Unsystematic investigations suggest that a great many people feel like fakes in the jobs, or their lives, on the verge of discovery. What is to explain this strange trend?
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    Food 'n' Class

    A pretty interesting article in the Guardian today on Jamie Oliver, food and class: One point I query (a side point, really): "Mrs Beeton spread the idealised habit to the burgeoning middle classes, who were keen to copy...