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  1. S

    Dinner Party Music

    A real nadir for dissensus, this thread
  2. S


    I know what you mean about long blends. I think they really really work with this music. I love that thing that a lot of the London DJs do where they'll tease snippets of a vocal tune for ages in a mix. Like playing the "come closer...come closer" section of that DJ jacko tune for a few minutes...
  3. S


    I'd say the live album, And the Ambulance Died in His Arms. Similar nocturnal autumnal feel to MTPITD. The collected solstice EPs as well, Moons Milk. Some very abstract stuff on there but beautiful song based stuff as well eg White Rainbow, beestings, the original version of amythyst...
  4. S

    Optimal listening conditions

    Yeah I thought they were just feckless layabouts without any drive but it turns out they're onto something
  5. S

    the 2000s: worst era in recorded music?

    Yeah on a similar thing I'm coming to the conclusion that all London amapiano sets are pretty much identical. They're great (they are! THEY ARE!) but the DJs only play about 5 tunes
  6. S

    Optimal listening conditions

    I remember listening to some vibracathedral orchestra type stuff last summer on mushrooms and it sounded incredible. A proper light bulb moment. That sort of music can sound really flabby and half baked when you're straight but it turns out that on the right drugs you can just dive in, and the...
  7. S

    the 2000s: worst era in recorded music?

    Yeah I remember that there was a big to-do around the same time when people like Villalobos were playing old house records in their sets. It's seems mad that it was even remarked on now but I do remember message boards being like OMG RICARDO PLAYED LIL LOUIS! YouTube destroyed time innit. All...
  8. S

    Optimal listening conditions

    There's also records designed for a particular soundsystem right? Techno records that are made to sound good at berghain etc
  9. S

    Optimal listening conditions

    I often wonder about how cafe oto types envisage their music being listened to. Like if you're one of those really hardcore improv types, how do you want /expect people to listen to at home? Are we just meant to stare at the wall / at the record sleeve when it's playing? I like doing really...
  10. S

    the 2000s: worst era in recorded music?

    Well the only way we can answer this question is to ask -when was the golden age of corpsey? When was he at his peak? Are we living through it right now?
  11. S

    we cycle through a series of selves

    I think having different selves is the simplest and most convincing attitude to have to explain what the fuck it is we're doing really. Like it's so common to look back on something you did, either yesterday or years ago and think "what was I doing? I don't understand why I did/ said that!". And...
  12. S

    the 2000s: worst era in recorded music?

    See this is interesting to me because while I can totally see where you're coming from -and a lot of it WAS wallpaper- I still have a massive soft spot for a lot of this stuff, particularly kompakt In my head it's the last stand, really of truely modernist techno/house that wasn't interested at...
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    "watch vast murder the track, effortless" All in th delivery tho innit
  14. S

    The Great North Dissensus Pub Session

    Ah cool, I could Thursday night but not Wednesday this week
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    Has anyone been to the amapiano nights in London that are springing up? awoken in Peckham looks good. It's not hit the north yet, we're still listening to makina I reckon I'm gonna try and go to awoken when I'm next down south, I reckon this over a proper system would be upper echelons...
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    The Great North Dissensus Pub Session

    It was cancelled cos one of the people on the bill got COVID! What's the plan for next week again? I got distracted by third talking about pleasure prisons
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    The Great North Dissensus Pub Session

    Im gonna see ashtray navigations at wharf chambers. Is that dissensian enough? It's not part of the nuum tho
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    The Great North Dissensus Pub Session

    I'm in Leeds next Tuesday, but thats no good to anyone really is it?
  19. S

    The Great North Dissensus Pub Session

    Ahh I can't do this Thursday sadly. I'm down in London then. I'm still up for a future dissensus northern horde meet up soon though
  20. S

    Mushrooms, fungi, mycelium - breaking news, gossip, slander, lies etc.

    Pretty sure there were some liberty caps at my parents garden at the weekend but I was too scared of dying a horrible death to pick them.. Is there anything horribly poisonous that looks like liberty caps or should I have been bolder? They had that nipple type protrusion on top, that's a...