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  1. H


    not every literate person in the world has an agent handling their 700pp novel or has ambitions to to make a living from writing or even to write anything for publication. but a lot of fans of independent cinema are in analogous positions.
  2. H


    well, firstly: don't extrapolate flaws in my character from the fact that i disliked a sodding film and you are very very wrong about this, anyway. seriously. but also: yes, i recognise that ilx invented the idea of preferring x mainstream comedy to y mainstream (fox searchlight) comedy, oops...
  3. H


    if only it were just 'middle-class people'. it goes further: like all us indies it's about people who work in or near the media in some way. it can't just be a sadsack divorcee: it has to be an *unpublished writer*. let's face it: this was a poor man's 'old school'. will ferrell conjured...
  4. H

    Block the bid

    But this 'organicism' can easily be read as the results of the free play of capitalism -- nothing organic about that. You can be sure that 'how people live, work and play' is just as determined, it's just that here where there was *no provision at all* by the state till about the 1890s, people...
  5. H

    can't believe how bad the Libertines are

    they aren't so hot. simon reynolds likes 'em.
  6. H

    Block the bid

    1. I don't know either way. But this is probably true of all regeneration projects. It's not a strong argument against regeneration as such. 2. GOTO 1.
  7. H

    Block the bid

    bugger, anyway that was beckton gas works, a site of great beauty in certain hands.
  8. H

    Block the bid

    What's the FIRST thing it needs? Sure the Olympic bid won't be great, but there's a difference between a location being given a poetic treatment (there aren't any *people* in the Zone are there?) and somewhere being a place to live in. i
  9. H

    Pitchfork reviews Run the Road

    I'm off-topic, but this is a vile quotation. Tough trick to invent the 'infoprole' and then accuse nameless 'scholars and the media' of treating same as 'objects'. The objectifying process here is pretty obvious, in that all questions presented to the young IPs have been answered: education...
  10. H

    Block the bid

    adoring the logic of supporting paris over london on the issue of planification/regeneration/redevelopment. thank god the parisian authorities never tried to pull that kind of stunt!
  11. H

    Pitchfork reviews Run the Road

    the unspoken thing here is: what is life in [east] london actually like? how grimy? and there's a bit of polarizing going on: it doesn't have to be nwa's version of south central to be grim; but at the same time nice gear is not the same thing as an easy life. east london doesn't have to be a...
  12. H

    Ludicrous racism charges

    amen to that -- not terribly structuralist/cold-rationalist, but wtf, right?
  13. H

    Ludicrous racism charges

    Finegold wasn't offended by being told he was acting in bad faith, though (from an expert in bad faith such as Livingstone, sometime Labour rebel and former Standard writer, this might be ironic). He was offended because someone said that what he was doing (writing for a newspaper) was in any...
  14. H

    Walks You Have Done.

    that's weird, my flat backs on to the finsbury park-e finchley walk. it's an old railway line, and it clips crouch end and the bottom end of highgate before it gets to finchley. kind of between muswell hill and highgate hill.
  15. H

    Ludicrous racism charges

    While there are similarities between treating 'my' workers really badly (interesting use of the possessive) and being a slavemaster, there's no strong link between writing for the Standard and participating in genocide. So calling someone who treated their workers badly a 'slavemaster' would be...
  16. H

    Ludicrous racism charges

    And didn't the Labour chairman compare Letwin with Fagin? Rambler is right in that the Conservatives are at least conflicted on this count. On the one hand they are the party of Disraeli; and it was, of course, the 'left' which developed an anti-semitic interpretation of (conservative-unionist)...
  17. H

    Ludicrous racism charges

    I haven't read all the press on this. But who exactly has said that offense is 'the worst thing anyone could suffer'? No-one. In fact the journalist didn't need to be Jewish for the comment to be offensive(ly stupid). Writing for the Standard (as of course Livingstone has done in the past) is...
  18. H

    Ludicrous racism charges

    the transcript i read in the guardian ran: 'The row began when newsroom journalist Oliver Finegold asked him for a comment after the event. After Finegold had announced himself as a Standard journalist, Mr Livingstone said: "How awful for you. Have you thought of having treatment?" Mr...
  19. H

    Ludicrous racism charges

    okay, obviously the 'flying pigs' thing is stupid and the claims of anti-semitism are groundless. but you've misrepresented livingstone. well, what happened was that on being told the journalist was jewish, livingstone said he was like a concentration camp guard. this may be cliched banter in...