
Yeah exactly this is it.
Before there were certain lines you couldn't cross, now you can, any gains wiped out...


pass the sick bucket
When you pay taxes you do not decide how parliament allocates them. You are funding the state, which means it ceases to be mine or your money. I can't believe I am explaining this to you, see what I did there.


pass the sick bucket
The difference is I know they are forced out of me, and frankly am past caring if they go to trident or funding mps coke benders, cos I don't expect the state to keep the social peace.


pass the sick bucket
we know it's wrong and unacceptable and shouldn't be happening. But I've done the anti-Iraq marches and lived through the 2011 riots and it's been twenty years of nothing ever changing. It's not so much as desensitised - I'm still angry and disappointed - but exhausted.

ok, remain exhausted. I'm not sure why you have to keep bringing up the anti-iraq march whenever this topic is broached, as if it meant anything other than serving as a soothing balm for people who cannot cope with the crimes of the state they still pledge fidelity to.

And let's be real, if wmds were found in Iraq, half of the people on those poncy marches would be baying for blood to contain the dictator Saddam Hussain. No wonder Fouad Ajami made a career out of being the native (arab) pro-intervensionist anglo-american neocons creamed their pants over! Because Brits and Americans have an astounding ability to constantly avoid what is in front of their eyes, I don't blame him, if I could make the cash he was making, I'd become a war hawke just to troll your countrymans civilising humanitarian nonsense.

like when people say that 'I went on anti-war demos' shit to me as a middle easterner do they really think it endears me to them? A feeling of solidarity wells up in my bosom, I start shedding tears at the kindness, compassion and thought extended to me. No, quite the contrary. More self-righteous gestures we knew would change nothing in 2003, and i wasn't even 15 years old at the time. By your own admission on here you have 'the mental age of a toddler', so learn to grow the fuck up.

No, I ain't going to apologise here. Stop using middle easterners as a figleaf for your own moral absolution. Don't bother justifying your paternalist racialism to me either, sit down, slow down and really think about how you frame things.
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Well-known member
this 'march' we're meant to do over this dreadful injustice does have a nice little feel-good itinerary tbf. walk from trafalgar sq to downing st., owen jones takes the podium to squeeze out a few soundbites for his podcast, few pints at the pub by 3?


Well-known member
the point about the anti-Iraq war marches is that they were about wanting to be heard by the Government of the day who chose to not listen to or engage with what was being protested about, nothing more or less intended by bringing them up. They were a formative part of my experience of political activism and it doesn't mean I stand by everything I believed or thought I knew back then but they did teach me that protest feels pointless when you do it repeatedly and it has no consequences, hence "exhaustion"


is not like other people
this 'march' we're meant to do over this dreadful injustice does have a nice little feel-good itinerary tbf. walk from trafalgar sq to downing st., owen jones takes the podium to squeeze out a few soundbites for his podcast, few pints at the pub by 3?
reminds me off the jeremy whoever k-punk obituary someone posted. we were too smart for the filth, we dodged the kettle. i hate his arrogance, i was a protester before you was a protester. i've never been on a protest (except a perfunctory student sit-in perhaps) but i still want people to have the right to make their voices heard


pass the sick bucket
the point about the anti-Iraq war marches is that they were about wanting to be heard by the Government of the day who chose to not listen to or engage with what was being protested about, nothing more or less intended by bringing them up. They were a formative part of my experience of political activism and it doesn't mean I stand by everything I believed or thought I knew back then but they did teach me that protest feels pointless when you do it repeatedly and it has no consequences, hence "exhaustion"

Yes, you wanted to be heard, because you see yourself as a legitimate citizen of the British state. I don't. citizenship is a mere formality for me so that I don't get deported. It is absolutely white absolution, because people who make this equivocation completely refuse to consider that some of us never had that illusion to begin with. Or if they consider it, they consider it in a way which they will say in public 'I really feel for migrants' and the quiet unspoken bit of that is: 'at least I'm not a bloody wog.' That taboo itself is inherent to these statements of compassion. That's what you need to meditate on.


Well-known member
I'm not naive enough to think I live in a world where my own thinking and biases are not shaped by the insiduous and institutional racism that permeates every part of society on some level, but ascribing actively racist motives to pacifism is new territory for me


pass the sick bucket
pacifism is actually one of the most insidious forms of racism, because it works at the unspoken level. The social contract must be maintained, and we're allowed to spice our daily lives with a bit of Jamaican, a bit Pakistani and a bit Irish, but not too much. Heaven forbid we actually get involved in their histories, business is business, keep it in the 'family we choose'!

It's also why homonationalism is so pervasive, because the white LGBT movement does not object to the family as a sight of reproduction of labour power, but only its immediate form. Nationalism is the management of populations, money, tools, buildings, raw materials and machinery before it is an us vs them, which is only its final form.


Well-known member
let's not call it pacifism then, let's be precise: not wanting to send soldiers out to die and not wanting to see soldiers of other nations be killed by ours


Well-known member
there were no "right answers" in 2003 any more than there are now, but it made sense to me then to be out on the streets fighting against it happening because it was obviously a "more wrong" answer. A more wrong answer that was costing money, resources, young human lives.

How do you reconcile your disgust for pacifism, with your refusal to stand against Tory positions that enable the suffering of the weakest and most vulnerable people in society? Because to me that looks like a similar position: neutrality as tacit approval of the status quo


pass the sick bucket
You are advocating a civil war then. Essentially for soldiers to turn their guns on their officers. Very 1914 Lenin of you.


pass the sick bucket
there were no "right answers" in 2003 any more than there are now, but it made sense to me then to be out on the streets fighting against it happening because it was obviously a "more wrong" answer. A more wrong answer that was costing money, resources, young human lives.

How do you reconcile your disgust for pacifism, with your refusal to stand against Tory positions that enable the suffering of the weakest and most vulnerable people in society? Because to me that looks like a similar position: neutrality as tacit approval of the status quo

I don't need to answer that question given that you only stand against tory positions in your head as a matterof good conscience. What have you actually done, practically, to stand against tory positions?

But seen as you asked so nicely, I do my bit to help disabled people (as a fellow disabled person) in my community with navigating government bureaucracy, so they can actually get something to live on and maybe even lead a tolerable life, rather than browbeating them to vote labour which by no means even gives them a chance at survival. Does that satisfy your moral crusade?


pass the sick bucket
But I mean you'll still say long Kesh Stoner is better than Boris, even if he vows to tighten disability benefits and basically increase the social cleansing of the British state. So with what authority are you condescending to me? Your politics is just based on how evil the tories are, because they are rich and immoral. Now I'd not trust any whitey with that sort of analysis, what doesn't ensure that they don't turn against the black and bvrown people they claim to stick up for when they have a justification for their immorality?
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Well-known member
Regular, ongoing donations to Humanists UK; years of volunteer work with cancer charities as a teenager; attending marches and events for LGBT rights. It's not a competition and I wouldn't win if it was one - and I don't believe there's a point at which anyone could say they've "done enough" because there is always more to do.

And you're on record as saying you won't vote because they're all the same. Starmer is a failure and we've covered that in his dedicated thread but there are other options and your position is not new to Starmers appointment is it?

I did say I was going to not engage with you, it was a mistake to let myself be riled by up you, if you want to think I'm a racist whose motives are purely driven by self-worth I actually couldn't care because I have zero respect for your opinion given your obvious limitations.


pass the sick bucket
You obviously don't have zero respect because you are making that statement. Clearly something in what I say offends you. Don't play that nice nice diplomatic game with me, I ain't an eejit, much as you'd like to make me out to be one.

Indeed, I could vote lib dems or greens, which would be even more impotent than voting labour.

But clearly humility is not your strength, continue on that fucking missionary path. The only thing you could do to fall lower in my eyes is break into tears, at which point I would have zero respect for you. See how that works you pretentious windbag? One does not announce it post festum.

If I wanted, I could compile a historical list of labours crimes, including in their golden 'socialist' period which would make them to be worse than the tories. You wouldn't listen though, because you're so self-assured that you are an outsider (newsflash: you might be able to guilt trip white liberal straights but you can't guilt trip me.)

The tories did not open Yarls Wood did they? Did Clement Atley go to war or didn't he in Malaya in 1948? Did labour mps overwhelmingly vote against the welfare bill in 2015 or did they abstain and let it pass? Did Tony Benn (then minister of Energy, 1977) threaten to send the army in to deal with the windscale nuclear plant dispute, basically acting as a strike breaker before his bien-pensant socialist period, why/why not? Did the labour party introduce the benefits integrity project in 98-99 which led to 1000 deaths of disabled people, and presaged tory welfare? why/why not. Was the 2000 postal services act introduced by the tories? Did Sadiq Khan condemn the southern rail strikes in 2016? Did Wilson normalise relations with the Greek fascist junta in the 1967 military coup? Did labour legislate the common wealth act of 1968, forcing black and brown immigrants to prove that they had one grandparent residing in the UK? Did Harold Wilson renew the imigration act in 1965, restricting immigration more than the previous tory version? This is pre-blairite labour we are talking about here, bishop boxedjoy! Did labour shoot strikers in India in the 1920s and bomb indigenous Iraqis? Did J.H Thomas, a labour MP, state that he was there to make sure no mucking about with the British Empire took place? Or doesn't history at all matter to you, but just guilt? One can go on, and on and on, but you know what I find utterly ironic? Both the blair and the brown governments refused to move to prohibiting blood donations on the basis of risky sexual behaviour rather than sexual orientation. Guess who repealed this? Those bastard tories going on about tank top batty boys!

No, I know enough to make minse meat out of you. I don't care if you don't have any respect for me, I have history on my side, and you don't. (OBVIOUS LIMITATIONS!)

And I retract my statement. You're not a racist, just a narcissist, which makes you even worse. Racists can be reasoned with, narcissists cannot.

Now kindly fuck the fuck off.
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