
One other thing that struck me once again is Liza's extraordinary ability to filter out the parts of life she's not interested in... she said "Some pop star called the Weak or something is in it" - she completely literally has no idea who the Weeknd is, had never heard of him before. Not even slightly, I bet she wouldn't be able to pick him out of a lineup of him and.... I dunno, Connor McGregor to name someone else she's probably never heard of.


Spent the evening feeling bad for taking the piss cos seemed her friend died, this girl put a black thing on Instagram saying "Tolya has left us" and L only knows one Tolya (it's an old fashioned name). Plus this girl is part of their circle. Hours frantic ringing everyone asking about Tolya, me lying like fuck pretending I think it's someone else, but knowing the rate of attrition in that group I don't even dare to think it's not him....
Turns out this bitch has an uncle called Tolya who's gone - she stuck it on insta for all to see (I'm sure her uncle's mates are in insta every sec) and then fucked off leaving everyone in a panic. So... it's all good I guess, I hundred percent thought this bloke was dead, it's like he came back to life for real.
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Spent the evening feeling bad for taking the piss cos seemed her friend died, this girl put a black thing on Instagram saying "Tolya has left us" and L only knows one Tolya (it's an old fashioned name). Plus this girl is part of their circle. Hours frantic ringing everyone asking about Tolya, me lying like fuck pretending I think it's someone else, but knowing the rate of attrition in that group I don't even dare to think it's not him....
Turns out this bitch has an uncle called Tolya who's gone - she stuck it on insta for all to see (I'm sure her uncle's mates are in insta every sec) and then fucked off leaving everyone in a panic. So... it's all good I guess, I hundred percent thought this bloke was dead, it's like he came back to life for real.

When I heard the news bulletin on the radio that John Lennon had been shot and killed, I misheard it and thought they said John Lydon. Since PIL was still good back then, and with no disrespect to the Beatles, I was upset but later relieved to learn Lydon was alive and well.

In truth, it did seem odd that a major US radio station would interrupt programing and break in mid-song to announce Lydon's death, since PIL was relatively obscure over here at the time.


But noone watching The Idol? It's the best/worst thing I've seen since.... Trapped in the Closet. It's Trapped in the Closet for the roaring twenty twenties.


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Kinda feel like I know what it's all about and don't need to waste hours of my life experiencing it IRL.


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my mum was watching some kind of program about competitve sewing last night. the usual range of contestants and experts standing in judgement. that format has existed for 20 years and its still swirling around, getting attached to so many different human activities. this one was gentler on the drama and humiliation, as you might expect.

also been watching bbc news, which i haven't seen for ages. they do a really good job on the representation front, ie, its genuinely impressive how they aren't selecting presenters because they're sexy or look reassuring and so on. it just looks like a ragtag mob of normal looking people who are good at presenting. that's great i think. they've even backed away a bit (from what i can see) from the peston school of things where all the reporters speak with a weird cadence and look like TV characters.


The other thing with The Idol - Lily Rose Depp is the daughter of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis, two of the most famously beautiful people of our era. You would say that she absolutely won the genetic lottery in terms of looks... but it's impossible to know cos at the age of 24 or whatever she's had so much work done her face resembles a plastic mask.


Well-known member
The other thing with The Idol - Lily Rose Depp is the daughter of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis, two of the most famously beautiful people of our era. You would say that she absolutely won the genetic lottery in terms of looks... but it's impossible to know cos at the age of 24 or whatever she's had so much work done her face resembles a plastic mask.

I think she looks a bit like a 2020s Faye Dunaway. You can still tell she's their daughter.


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The buccal fat removal surgery that's become popular ages people because you naturally lose fat from your face with age. It's kind of fascinating as so much of cosmetic surgery's to do with looking younger yet they're essentially sucking the youth out of their faces.


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Nicolas Winding Refn's created a Famous Five series for the BBC. Not something I'd have predicted.


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No, I've shaved my head and been doing chin-ups.


thread death
I don’t think anyone has mentioned The Bear yet. For a mainstream series I think it’s very good. Treats the the viewers like adults, storylines that take their time and shot with real thought and care to detail. Might not be for everyone but I like the way you just have to go with it and pick up the back story along the way. And it makes Chicago look like a shithole. In the first series there’s a great one take twenty minute episode and in the second Jamie Lee Curtis steals the hour long episode (all others are roughly half an hour long)
Anyway, I thought it was interesting that over here Disney+ suddenly realised they had a hit in their hands and they’ve been promoting it on the tube etc.


is not like other people
anyone watched sherlock its completely shit, from the ridiculous "tough" acting style to the shit one liners to the cockney cabbie it reeks of university as though it were made without an adult there to say this is cheesy and embarrassing i've had that feeling watchinG UK TV for a long time which is why i don't, normally do it going to watch episode 2 now