News of the World phone hacking scandal


Well-known member
As flagged a few weeks back in Popbitch, it seems Brooks personally gave Sara Payne a phone so they could hack it. She is really double fucked.


From Rebekah Brooks' speech announcing the closure of the NOTW - before it came out that Sarah Payne had been hacked.

Say I had seen these allegations, had no idea if they weren't true, but put in my resignation and said: "Fine … I'm sick of this crisis. Someone's made an allegation against me that I've no idea if it's true and no one knows if it's true but because it's me and because it's the usual, y'know, Guardian/BBC witch-hunt I'll go." Right? Say I did that, do you think then, who would have carried the can for the dead soldiers, the 7/7 victims, Sara Payne and all the other alleged claims that came out?
I can't get much out of that except garbled and nonsensical paranoia and that it seems apparent she did know that SP was hacked weeks before she "found out" yesterday.


"That's an extraordinary clanger. Did she try and 'correct' that at the time...?"
Not as far as I'm aware - I guess she'll say that she "misspoke" or was referring to rumours about SP or some other bollocks but when she does I won't believe her.


Well-known member
From Rebekah Brooks' speech announcing the closure of the NOTW - before it came out that Sarah Payne had been hacked.

I can't get much out of that except garbled and nonsensical paranoia and that it seems apparent she did know that SP was hacked weeks before she "found out" yesterday.

Oh, that's a find. Surprised Watson didn't mention it yesterday when he was muttering darkly about expensive PR defence campaigns.


I think that Brooks is so punch-drunk she can't remember which things she's lied about and which she hasn't and what has come out and what is yet to come out.


Mulcaire has released a statement saying that he didn't act unilaterally. Maybe if he'd said that a few years back everyone would have been saved a lot of trouble.


Well-known member
Mulcaire has released a statement saying that he didn't act unilaterally. Maybe if he'd said that a few years back everyone would have been saved a lot of trouble.

I think the nice gentlemen at News International picking up his legal tab may have kept him tongue-tied.


Yes, the timing would rather suggest that wouldn't it. Obviously NI were doing everything they could to help the investigation - except stop paying for the lawyers of a man who was obstructing it. I don't get why more isn't made of that to be honest, it was clear evidence of bad faith and dishonesty from the company and yet it only really seems to get mentioned in passing.


"In February 2008, he appeared on Radio 4's Today programme and claimed the News of the World was a "watchdog" which guarded against corruption among those in positions of power."