Adverts which do your head in


Come on lets have them.

All of the current British Telecom ones. Having BT tech can save your relationship.

they're like a continuation of the nescafe ads as soap opera - but with phosphorous bombs

also bt related retro naff : - it's by Day V Lately
i must admit i larfed a little and thought of dissensus

Adverts are undoubtedly the highest form of media expression


Do not read this.
That one is astonishingly infuriating.

My list, this is literally off the top of my head, how worrying is that?...

1.) The domestos one, I know comedians reference this one all the time, but 99.9% of bacteria gone, REALLLLY????
2.) The fucking stupid perfume ad’s, especially the one with the blonde haired guy who gets loads of photo’s taken of him, then he slumps on the couch, just completely meaningless, pointless and dumbed down. Nearly put my foot through the TV for this one.
3.) Womens shampoo ad’s and Men’s shaving ad’s, just for how patronising they are.
4.) Natwest, and all of the fucking banks, going on like they provide another service other than LOOKING AFTER MY MONEY, which you can’t even do properly. Don’t shove all this customer commitment bullshit in my face when we know you don’t give a fuck about us and only care about lining your own pockets.


also bt related retro naff : - it's by Day V Lately
i must admit i larfed a little and thought of dissensus

this crate digging bolix i was referring to - good snarky youtube discussion on that page

Adverts are undoubtedly the highest form of media expression
i think i meant artistic expression actually

i also think there's a strong irritation factor that is increasingly creeping into advertising - all these tacky jingly ads - gocompare, meerkats etc which are going for pure annoyingness to establish brand recognition through some sort of pavlovian cringe reflex (although the gocompare in space ad is er, ace )

Client Eastwood

Well-known member
The Maltesers adverts. Oh they're so much fun all cheeky and light. Women can catapult them with bras and men can put in cars and devy gravity. Get of my tele.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
There was a good Charlie Brooker piece a year or two ago about adverts that are "tweetronising" (both twee and patronising - like the word "tweetronising" itself). So any and all adverts that make out that they're essential in bringing an impeccably multi-ethnic crowd of happy, laughing, good-looking young people together so they can hold hands and laugh and smile at how good life is, to a cheerily twangy indie-pop soundtrack... *vomits profusely*. Apple ads are the fucking pits.

Also, generic northern accents used to imply no-nonsense, down-to-earth trustworthiness (c.f that comedian woman on the Tesco ads). Scottish accents used for uber-earnest heartstring-tugging (c.f. every charity advert ever). Irish or Brummy for comic relief. West Country for anything that's to do with farming/THE CUN'RYZOID.

Adverts that make out that eating anything sweet or rich is wicked or 'naughty', oh fuck off, we're not five years old you know.
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4.) Natwest, and all of the fucking banks, going on like they provide another service other than LOOKING AFTER MY MONEY, which you can’t even do properly. Don’t shove all this customer commitment bullshit in my face when we know you don’t give a fuck about us and only care about lining your own pockets.

haha this one

they're how i imagine chase and status

however one i do like is that stupid perfume one where that guy is in a press conference and then just goes I'M NOT GOING TO BE WHO I'M EXPECTED TO BE ANYMORE!
That one makes me lol a little.


and this one is probably the absolute zenith of tweetronising plinky plonky jingle bollocks. fuck, this makes me want to die when it comes on.



I LOATHE those Carling 'You Know Who Your Mates Are' ones, where a load of gormless BLOKES appear in everyday takes on crazy situations (like not getting into heaven cos one of them's wearing trainers). BEGONE!

Carling should be sufficiently ashamed of existing that it ceases to want to remind me of its existence.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
however one i do like is that stupid perfume one where that guy is in a press conference and then just goes I'M NOT GOING TO BE WHO I'M EXPECTED TO BE ANYMORE!

Always makes me think of Zoolander and his 'Blue Steel' look. :)