Tohoku earthquake fundraisers


Bring out the vacuum
Thought it might be worth sharing albums etc. as we come across things?

Nihon Kizuna
This one's 50 tracks of beats/bass stuff, almost 4 hours!? Kode 9, On Ra, Om Unit, Slugabed, heaps of JP stuff I hadn't heard before, etc....

For Nihon
This one's not out yet, but ambient stuff with exclusive tracks from Taylor Deupree, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Sawako, Helios / Goldmund, etc.

No idea how effective these things are as ways of generating support, but if they're the kind of music I like anyway, then...?


Bring out the vacuum
And was pleased to see that Nihon Kizuna comp has raised over USD 20k so far.

Total drop-in-the-ocean stuff, but, as I said in my opening post, if it's music you'd like to buy anyway and you're giving money you otherwise wouldn't, I don't see that there's harm in supporting these things...


Bring out the vacuum
An American indie/punk one, apparently. Don't know the acts at all, so no comment on the genre accuracy.


Bring out the vacuum
This one's a bit different cos you just download the tracks you like and flick a donation if you like. Techno, mostly. Bunch of UR related stuff, a nice one from Thomas Fehlman, Mock & Toof...