Dissensus Raw Productions


cat malogen
Good work, roughing up in full effect. Keep at it!

The pick of these, to my ears, has been your Basement Boys/Maury experiment. You took a ploddy dubbed out mess and gave it a rhythm section that would clear, say, 500 units as a small batch bootleg easily

It’s finding the appropriate blends. I just can’t get on with 90% of BC due to overt repetitiveness, others love em for it. I find it even more problematic to even attempt to listen to sets composed almost entirely with their releases in mind. No way would I look for anything as such live

But, add a lick of garage and you could push this much further, ie what track’s beats out of the garage universe are worth reintegrating back into tracks missing that vital oooomph


Well-known member
just for my own reference / "reminder to self"

I own this bootleg


B5 - Stronger

Maurizio vs Britney

edit: the sticker the guy in the second hand record shop put on the cover said "Miguel Migs" and for some reason I was EXTREMELY relieved to find out this was actually by someone else because I have an irrational hatred and I do not why ( were there allegations? memory fails )


Well-known member
The pick of these, to my ears, has been your Basement Boys/Maury experiment. You took a ploddy dubbed out mess and gave it a rhythm section that would clear, say, 500 units as a small batch bootleg easily

If you or any enterprising souls you know want to press up a boot, be my guest. The wav is yours to do with as you please.
Personally, I wouldn't even know where to start with that or how to get it distributed.


Well-known member
@Murphy what say we bully catalog into a second mortgage* and press up a 3 track 33 rpm whitelabel LTD EDITION 500 only

A1 basement maurizio
A 2 M4 Arab dubz
B1 Divide by Zero error

* me be joking **

** I'll stump half the pressing cost, white paper labels will cost nowt, we can get a rubber stamp or a marker pen, plain sleeves are cheap, we can do this, I can maybe shift ten copies in Manchester record shops, maybe you have a garage to store the rest?


cat malogen
air miles Kent err version outer adept insight role wait til you have to do the cave rite cough splutter

I do fwiw and they passed


cat malogen
caught myself perving flights to Philadelphia on lunch, got through with a biometric before but dhs are more cunty than most

field recordings pending


Well-known member
Also should say the few tracks I did using "phylyps trak ii/ii" were done without running stems on it
My old laptop throws enough of a glitchy fit* as it is when I try to use stems on shorter tracks, much less ones that are ~13 minutes.

*remember the horrible noises generated by old modems? well, whenever virtual dj crashes on me, it lets out these horrifying squeals and screeches at top volume through my headphones and p.a. system


Well-known member
Also should say the few tracks I did using "phylyps trak ii/ii" were done without running stems on it
My old laptop throws enough of a glitchy fit* as it is when I try to use stems on shorter tracks, much less ones that are ~13 minutes.

*remember the horrible noises generated by old modems? well, whenever virtual dj crashes on me, it lets out these horrifying squeals and screeches at top volume through my headphones and p.a. system

my favourite CABARET VOLTAIRE CD * is


Western Re-works 1992

it skips

resulting in unwitting 23 minute reworks of CRACKDOWN and SENSORIA

* lol, my only CABARET VOLTAIRE CD because `I have all the originals on vinyl', lol

there was a time we were smoking HAZE WEED and we didn't notice that the CD was remixing itself and we had listened to the reconfigured 24-24 for 23 minutes 23 seconds
