Subliminal messaging on Comedy Central


Well-known member
First one reminds me of videodrome. I reckon its viral tbh, channel 4 has done quite a bit of this sort of thing. Seems too meaningless / obvious to be subliminal. It still does happen though especially on american tv you can see clips on youtube of McDonalds logo flashing up in Cooking programs, so could be something going on. conspiracy documentary crew would wet themselves over this.


Darned cockwombles.
they did this with some car ads a while back, right? differently, in that the words highlighted spelt out a slightly different message, whereas these seem more random....


Well-known member
That one does seem to make it more likely they have some outside influence. Guess it could go either way, as in the meaningless ones are covering up for ones with some intention. or they're making ones to seem more serious so its becomes viral on a bigger scale, seems like it would be a risky thing to do though having a whole channel associated with propagandizing, wouldn't be a great look just for the sake of some viral marketing.


Well-known member
maybe there's no great hidden meaning, and it's just a way their clever ad agency thought they could get more people to pay attention to the ads and talk about them. people like us.


Probably is just that; make a fake subliminal advert that's blatant enough for people to notice and start talking about. Crazy the level of thought, bluff and double-bluff that goes into adverts but I don't think it would be the first to exhibit that level of sophistication.

Sick Boy

All about pride and egos
Given that these ads are appearing on Comedy Central, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that they are probably intended to be funny

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Slagging off the concept of gyms is such an easy and lame target, though. You could just as easily come up with a rant against pubs, restaurants, galleries, cinemas or pretty much anything.