salute tottenham



This is totally fucking nuts, if true - starts to look like an extra-judicial execution. Where did you hear about him being shot while restrained, droid?

Various reports of the same eyewitness testimony:

An eye witness has painted a worrying picture. The 20 year old witness has said that he came around the corner and then saw about six unmarked police cars which was cornering a people carrier near a bus stop.

He heard the police shout something like do not move and then he saw them drag the driver out of the car.

He was not sure if they dragged the other guy out in the passenger seat. This was Mark Duggan and he was the one who got shot and was the passenger.

The taxi driver was unharmed. The shot by Mark Duggan appears to of taken place as police approached the vehicle to make a pre planned arrest. It is not known yet if police were in plain clothes or uniform.

After removing the men from the vehicle (this story suggests Mark surrendered) there were three or four police officers who had both men pinned onto the ground at gunpoint.

The witness said that they were carrying really big guns and that he heard four loud shots.

He claims the police shot him while he was on the floor

This witness has not been proven to be reliable, but other media sources are reporting the same thing, and if true this looks like an execution killing, though please remember this may not be correct, and is highly unlikely.


Well-known member
the fact the guardian say the bullet in the radio was police issue is pretty dodgy sounding but im gonna wait til theres confirmation of what happened. but it wouldnt be surprising if the police reacted totally disproportionately.


Well-known member
So now the question people in Tottenham are asking is: Will the government pay attention to the social issues underlying the anger?

And a wider question is: Would anyone care at all if there had not been violence?

a) no. when is the last time the british goverment was interested in full employment? people say, oh they could get a job if theey wanted one. well, some could, some couldnt. unemployment is necesary and inevitable under current conditions. further, who wants a shitty job? ive got one and its nothing to writ home about. its pretty tedious time consuming and energy sapping. its not much of a world to be born into.

b)no. se start of article.


Well-known member
looting is just an inevitable byproduct of rioting in alot of cases, and full blown riots are just collective mania, everyones just on a mad adrenaline rush. theres not alot of difference at the most destructive stage between for example people burning down woodstock for no particular reason imo regardless of the cause or how much real anger/passion/resentment the rioters hold.

Allthough I think maybe the attempts to instigate more riots for no real reason could be as symptomatic of the media trying to make out that these eruptions of mass-hysteria are somehow relevant to anything, the seed is relevant and the protesting, the rioting itself isn't at all but thats what they want in the lime-light.


Victory lap
the sense i get from highness, gumdrops and tea is you should all just behave yourself like responsible adults when i think that its probably fair to say there is a war being waged against the people of the world. in some sense there is a war on and doing as your told is probably not the best way to respond to a situation like that. i know this is the new dissensus full of dsf refugees and as such basically dull and reactionary, middlebrow middle england parochial mediocre unimaginative flat footed and slow witted (with two, maximum three exceptions) but cant they just stick to the dubstep and post-dubstep threads and not clog up the other ones with boring comments? there was a girl i was talking to that was saying the greeks shouldnt protest becasu they are 'harming tourism' well yeah they are, so were the protestors in egypt, they did terrible damage to the tourism industry... its vry reveling though isnt it... that sort of comment....

I was about to call you out as a massive cunt and order a frappucino off you, but when you put it like that, I agree. You chief.
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Victory lap
If someone is on tweeter could you tell the youth that a double decker should be pushed lengthways across the road before you set in on fire where it becomes an effective barrier between you and mounted police.

And Buckingham Palace on fire next please as a request.


Best urban defensive tactic I've come across recently was invented by the rebels in Misrata. They filled a big articulated truck trailer with tonnes of rock and sand, then put it into gear and let it run out across the main road, blocking it. Tanks shells did nothing, it's probaby still there, blocking Misrata high street.


Victory lap
There's been daily coverage of riots, revolts and crackdowns all year, with Western governments urging Arab leaders to listen to the protests. I bet popular uprisings go out of fashion with our leaders here in the UK pretty soon.

Note to Tottenham rioters: you're supposed to set yourself alight, not the high street.


"There was a media blackout while it was going on - NOTHING on BBC, Sky, Guardian shut down from 12.58 - the only way you could find out information was through twitter."
Apparently Sky and BBC pulled all their reporters out of the area cos it was deemed too dangerous for them which might explain the first bit. Don't see how it was more dangerous than Iraq or whatever though.

Anyway, my flatmate and his brother were caught up in it in Brixton last night. Sounds pretty scary, they saw a guy get smacked round the head with a plank and rang for an ambulance - which flat out refused to come.


Guest that's the testimony of an anonymous 20-y-o Tottenhamite who probably has pretty strong anti-police feelings in the first place...

And who also hasn't to my knowledge been implicated in repeated multiple manslaughter and murder cover ups in the past...

john eden

male pale and stale
Apparently Sky and BBC pulled all their reporters out of the area cos it was deemed too dangerous for them which might explain the first bit. Don't see how it was more dangerous than Iraq or whatever though.

I went to bed at about 1:30am on Sunday morning after watching BBC Live, Sky online and twitter. Coverage seemed ok. One of the last things I saw was Sky filming some people bashing up an empty police car in a sidestreet in Tottenham. After this various people started blocking the camera and hassling the crew... cut back to studio with the anchor saying "right, we'll leave you to get on with that"!

Other anecdotes from twitter

- someone getting a pizza delivered to the riot.
- Paul Lewis from the Guardian spotting someone who had looted a lute.


heavy heavy monster sound
I went to bed at about 1:30am on Sunday morning after watching BBC Live, Sky online and twitter. Coverage seemed ok. One of the last things I saw was Sky filming some people bashing up an empty police car in a sidestreet in Tottenham. After this various people started blocking the camera and hassling the crew... cut back to studio with the anchor saying "right, we'll leave you to get on with that"!

Other anecdotes from twitter

- someone getting a pizza delivered to the riot.
- Paul Lewis from the Guardian spotting someone who had looted a lute.

I didn't see anything on the BBC at all last night?


"After this various people started blocking the camera and hassling the crew... cut back to studio with the anchor saying "right, we'll leave you to get on with that"!"
Ha ha.

"And who also hasn't to my knowledge been implicated in repeated multiple manslaughter and murder cover ups in the past... "
Been a bad few years for the police with the Tomlinson thing, De Menezes, the News International thing etc etc. It's pretty apparent that their main tactic for controlling news is to release a statement absolving themselves of all responsibility, then when that gets refuted by eye-witnesses or video footage or whatever they retreat slightly but only admitting the minimum they have to until that position is itself overturned. I'm hardly a radical police-hater but my automatic position when the police (especially the Met) release a statement about a controversial situation is to assume that they are lying. That's not paranoia or cynicism, it's pure common sense based on recent events.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I'm hardly a radical police-hater but my automatic position when the police (especially the Met) release a statement about a controversial situation is to assume that they are lying. That's not paranoia or cynicism, it's pure common sense based on recent events.

Well yeah, there's that too. Did the shooting happen on a main road? If it did there ought to be CCTV footage of it, you'd have thought. And if it's true about the police bullet in the radio, it'll be interesting to see how that happened (if we ever do find out).
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I'm hardly a radical police-hater but my automatic position when the police (especially the Met) release a statement about a controversial situation is to assume that they are lying. That's not paranoia or cynicism, it's pure common sense based on recent events.

Well said.

Good to see the Police surreptitiously promoting anarchism by eroding unwarranted faith in authority figures.

john eden

male pale and stale
Well yeah, there's that too. Did the shooting happen on a main road? If it did there ought to be CCTV footage of it, you'd have thought. And if it's true about the police bullet in the radio, it'll be interesting to see how that happened (if we ever do find out).

pretty sure the IPCC have said they are looking at CCTV footage. Mind you, this can of course get lost or the cameras may not have been working...


If previous stories are any guide there will be a slow drip of information changing bit by bit with each new revelation dragged out of the police greatly against their will. Though maybe the fact of their being caught lying so many times will incentivise them to come up with a new tactic as this one evidently isn't working.


Dont you mean:

this can of course "get lost" or the cameras "may not have been working..."

Id say the Met are missing Hayman and the NOTW right now.