Iowa Primary


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Daniels wife left him several years ago, leaving him in Indiana with his kids, while she was with some guy in CA (I think). Some oppo researcher was shopping around the phone number and other information of the guy she was with, hinting at something scandalous. Haley Barbour was also rumored to have damaging oppo, even had an announcement and fundraising tour planned but cancelled just a few days in advance.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
Haley Barbour would’ve also had problems cause of that whole thing where he talked about how awesome the White Citizens’ Council – essentially the Sinn Fein of the KKK – was and his longtime links to its successor the Council of Conservative Citizens’. Not exactly the guy you want running against Barry O. oh + when he was a lobbyist (primarily for Big Tobacco) one of his clients was the Mexican govt, on whose behalf he lobbied for immigrant amnesty. Which I’m sure would have endeared him to many, many Republican voters.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
also I thought these were entertaining

9 Things You Need to Know About Rick Santorum

”As a young lawyer, he worked at the Pittsburgh law firm of Kirkpatrick & Lockhart where he represented the World Wrestling Federation. In his most high-profile case, he argued that professional wrestling was not technically a sport, and therefore wasn’t subject to federal steroid regulations.”

15 Things You Don’t Know About Newt Gingrich

Did you know that in 1981 Newt co-sponsored (with Barney Frank!!!) a bill to nationally legalize medical marijuana? Neither did I. Or that he is a former Sierra Club member (who, of course, wrote a book called Drill Here Drill Now a couple years ago)? Or that his doctoral dissertation was, of all things, an apologia for Belgian colonialism in the Congo? I will truly miss this guy when his campaign inevitably bursts into flames.


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even though i initially raised the possibility, i really don't see daniels changing his mind, particularly because he also cited family issues (apparently his wife is really against the idea). there's also no guarantee GOP primary voters would suddenly rush to a new candidate (that's what rick perry expected). the republican establishment has largely come out in favor of romney, it'll be really difficult at this point for them to dump him now for someone new. that would make them look really desperate, disorganized and weak as a party.

florida could be a watershed moment for who gets the nomination, demographics there are more reflective of the nation as a whole compared to iowa/new hampshire/south carolina. newt could get away with some things when speaking to south carolina evangelicals and far-right types that probably won't fly in florida.

I think the PR element of Daniels entering could've been handled by the GOP but with the family issues as well I guess it is pretty much impossible.

As far as Florida goes; Gingrich wont be able to get away with the far-right rhetoric but he will likely shape-shift to suit the arena - focusing on immigration policy for instance. Gingrich is obviously benefiting hugely from the frequency of debates at the moment, Romney needs to land some punches tonight.


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In what must be one of the best, albeit doomed, campaign ads of all time, Norris made an appearance in 2008 to support Mike Huckabee for president:
"My plan to secure the border? Two words: Chuck Norris."


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i just realized there's a gaping void in the election run-up to date (and no, i don't mean an electable GOP candidate): glenn beck.

he used to be in the news week in, week out for some wild-ass statement or another. i guess the move to his own subscription online show carries a little less gravitas than being on fox news, he hasn't been able to insert himself into the primaries narrative so far. assume he's santorum supporter, now that michelle bachmann is out.


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Glenn Beck lost all credibility with even the GOP and Fox stalwarts long ago. I'm not sure what it was exactly that finally convinced people who didn't already believe it that he was a total nutjob. Maybe it was the whole Obama is a racist who hates white people led to advertisers pulling out, but the show limped on for a while after that. And by limp, I mean only about 20 times more viewers than Rachel Maddow. Although the smart money ran for the hills when they heard him say that shit about Obama being racist, I bet it still went down like a round of free beers among the hardcore Tea Party / Fox News screen lickers.

I read somewhere that by the end, the only thing keeping the Glenn Beck show on air was Jon Stewart's audience, who tuned in for the comedy. They just got bored of the joke. I could personally do with another stint of the Glenn Beck show, as another outlet for criticising Mitt Romney, albeit in totally unfounded accusations of him being a socialist who will turf Americans out of their homes and hand the keys over to illegal immigrants.
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romney endorsed by a billionaire birther blowhard who enjoys firing people on tv. yeah, that should help his image.


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those are pretty conservative states (ron paul second place with 27% in minnesota!), so i don't think mitt expected to do as well as he did in nevada/florida. that said, it was a bad night for romney and drags the race out as a tough slog. some of this might be protest votes from conservatives who know romney is eventually going to be the candidate but resent having the GOP establishment decree mitt as the nominee. maybe kind of a last-stand f* you message to the "power elites" of the party.

missouri was a slight oddity, since gingrich wasn't on the ballot (presumably all his votes went to santorum) and the state doesn't have any delegate attached to a win.

one interesting note: mitt outspent santorum 40-to-1 in minnesota and still came in distant third. ouch.


But would you have predicted this two days ago? Nothing I read said it would be like this. I mean, Santorum has won more states (if fewer candidates) than Romney. The whole thing seems weird to me. Great political circus basically.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
it's certainly a shock. how much actual impact it has in the long run remains to be seen. the ludicrously byzantine method by which delegates are awarded means winning the popular vote doesn't necessarily guarantee him all the delegates in any of the 3 states. the Missouri win in particular is basically worthless. it's massive in terms of perception tho. very few people took Santorum seriously as a candidate but now they have to, at least for the moment. it's also highly embarrassing to Mitt as a loud reminder of just how thoroughly he is loathed by a large portion of his own party. ultimately it may actually serve Romney well as a wake-up call. after he crushed Newt I think there was a sense he could just coast the rest of the way. now the power of his money can be put into carpet bombing Santorum before the bulk of the primaries and Super Tuesday.

either way OB's people got to be like sharks in the water sniffing Romney's blood. or better yet Santorum, who got to be the dream opponent if you're Obama.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
those are pretty conservative states

I dunno if you mean just within the GOP, but Minnesota is actually very liberal overall. I mean, Paul Wellstone (RIP). it's gone Dem every election since '72. the other two are more iffy, but CO is nearly a quarter Latin (for voting purposes at least, I'm sure it's actually much higher) and Obama won it easily. he lost Missouri but it was so close that it was basically a push.


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yeah, was thinking of GOP (Bachmann!) but you're right, overall it's liberal.