help with booting up a record label?


bwah bwah
running an esoteric / boutiquey record label has been my dream for years and years, and now I'm ready to get moving with it. it will certainly involve digital releases, and physical formats here and there. I've got concepts for the first few releases already...

at this point what's holding me up is logistics. I'm not familiar with the business aspect, so the task of finding a distributor, drawing up contracts, compensating artists, etc is a bit vexing. thus far my online research yields material that misses the mark at best, while the people that could be the most helpful with small indie imprint advice are too busy running their own labels. I do have a music publishing entity, which is helpful, but I don't exactly know how.

I have yet to approach any musicians, because I want to have my ish together first and not waste anyone's time. can anyone here help me start tackling these obstacles? my assumption is that there's loads to learn - more than even I realize. I'd love either advice or a great resource for me to wade through.

I can list specific questions, but I have a feeling they are endemic to broader gaps in my knowledge.

thanks & cheers!