Everyone's a DJ (MC) These days?


  • The announcers on tube platforms, for e.g.
    exspecially southbound victoria line at Finsbury park, full of jokes and quips to bring a smile or an apathetic shrug of the shoulders during rush hour...

  • mr 1 pound fish man & the trend for playing pre-recorded market trader calls on a loop too, probably

  • They have a deejay over the tannoy in my bank, ffs
like many such phenomena, i feel this is definitely symptomatic of a worrying trend in modern life,

please share your best examples of spontaneous/egregious/extraneous dj/mc behaviours here


Well-known member
i like the fact everyone is whoring for attention nowadays. i think its an improvement.


Emperor Penguin
Was in Topshop today with my mrs and they had a "DJ" with CDJs downstairs, and being piped round the shop, mixing rnb/major lazor badly and checking his phone.

Better than in Republic with the DJ playing Disclosure again on CDJs but with his own PA, the store speakers continued to play the normal music which was annoying.


bandz ahoy
So you're talking more about talk radio style DJing than a guy on decks/CDRs?

I wonder if the popularity of podcasts could be something related to this. Perhaps I'm not very representative of people but I spend a lot of time (when not listening to music) listening to talk-radio style podcasts and audiobooks.

My pretentious theory regarding this would be that people long for personal contact in a world where its becoming increasingly rare - i.e. travelling across a city, not seeing anybody you know, with your ipod on ironically in order to avoid having to hear the real world or deal with it. In societies of y'olde, you'd have been spending all your time in the company of close friends and family, talking all the time.

Banks having DJs - a way to ingratiate themselves with customers, as if they're not a big greedy corporate brand but a MATE (See also: matey adverts with bankers in suits doing dance routines and singing Who Let The Dogs Out). Even that could be related to my abovementioned pretentious theory, couldn't it? We like to think we're surrounded by mates when we're actually surrounded by HEARTLESS CAPITALIST MACHINERY.


bandz ahoy
I went in Topman yesterday and felt so out of place I thought I'd be arrested at any moment.

But I got some nice chinos so


Well-known member
So you're talking more about talk radio style DJing than a guy on decks/CDRs?

I wonder if the popularity of podcasts could be something related to this. Perhaps I'm not very representative of people but I spend a lot of time (when not listening to music) listening to talk-radio style podcasts and audiobooks.

My pretentious theory regarding this would be that people long for personal contact in a world where its becoming increasingly rare - i.e. travelling across a city, not seeing anybody you know, with your ipod on ironically in order to avoid having to hear the real world or deal with it. In societies of y'olde, you'd have been spending all your time in the company of close friends and family, talking all the time.

Banks having DJs - a way to ingratiate themselves with customers, as if they're not a big greedy corporate brand but a MATE (See also: matey adverts with bankers in suits doing dance routines and singing Who Let The Dogs Out). Even that could be related to my abovementioned pretentious theory, couldn't it? We like to think we're surrounded by mates when we're actually surrounded by HEARTLESS CAPITALIST MACHINERY.

Slightly off topic but am the same re: podcasts (you should check out The Champs if you don't already listen to it - any recommendations in terms of US Comedy/Hip Hop/Politics would be appreciated as well).

I don't think its related to a desire for personal contact though for me, if anything it feels more like part of the aging process - as I'm getting into my late 20s I'm finding that I'm not 'in the mood' for music as much as I used to be. Also they're simply available now, I'm sure had there been a DnB podcast in 2001 where a few big DJs got together to chat about new releases/state of the scene etc I would have lapped it up.

Having said that there's definitely almost like a one-way friendship with the hosts/contributors that forms due to the free-form nature of a lot of podcasts - listening to certain shows regularly I definitely feel like I 'know' the contributors and their real personalities in a way that I wouldn't with almost any other medium.


Well-known member
what pisses me off more is seeing screens everywhere. in the bank, on the tube, on the street with those ad-screen bins, etc etc. enough.


Well-known member
Do y'all have Marshalls/Burlington/Ross (Dress For Less) out there?

I need to make the trip to Burlington again. I picked up these great bootleg Polo sneakers there around Xmas time, but by the beginning of this month, they literally were splitting in half from me wearing them out. Marshalls had a smorgasbord of True Religion at one point, but I guess word got out and it's all lost in time now.


Well-known member
i'm too old for lots of fast fashion -- topman/h&m -- but still find lots of decent basics at uniqlo. hopefully the reason their stuff is inexpensive isn't because it's made in unsafe factories in bangladesh.


Well-known member
It looks like I'm DJing Top Shop Harajuku this saturday...

Does it count as selling out if you never had a brand to sell?