SeaPunk / Chillwave / Nu gaze / Glo-Fi / Molly Pop / Witch Trap / Special Characters


Well-known member
Old article I didn't see posted after a search. The misogyny accusation like those thrown at Scuba and the post dubstep producers is coming up in relation to pcmusic.

What I'm concerned with is a wider social trend that points to a troublingly reactionary cultural shift that all these artists have a responsibility to own up—especially when there exists a very real gender imbalance in electronic music production today.


This is a crucial point and a key reason why artists like Sophie and A. G. Cook have a duty to be more open about their own identities and the creative roles of the women they work with, particularly as the image they've built on the bodies of said women is starting to pay off big time.


Once upon a time, A. G. Cook and Sophie represented a post-human genderfuck by obscuring their identities behind a slightly seedy set of imagery that at once fetishised teen girl culture and carried an implicit critique of commodity capitalism. They looked and sounded like the consumerism that dominates society-at-large, where men make the music and women provide the bodies that sell it, except they performed it in the sweaty basement of a DIY punk venue. Now, though, their ascent into the marketable music industry means they will have a hand in establishing the look of Pop To Come, and it looks awfully similar to the look of Pop That Already Is. Perhaps it's time the boys owned up to the fact that they're taking all the girly shit without taking the shit for being girls.


Well-known member
I am really completely in awe with anything coming out on 1080p and Just wanted to share that. So yes. Also: really strange nobody here mentioned them already.


Well-known member
Always bewildered that these think pieces on PC Music forget that Hannah Diamond is their art director, or that QT brings a lot of her ideas to the table. Never mind GFOTY makes her own music.


pc music has always given me a CORTISOL RUSH but i bet people (i certainly am) are eating their words re: pc music and gender now that sophie has come out as trans
coming to regret how much time i've wasted on this general set of trends and wanting to put together a group of people in meatspace to improvise with. it really does a young person's head in, The Web


Well-known member
I never bought into PC Music's discourse and the gimmickry, but liked and still like some stuff they put out on musical terms. Lil Data will release an album soon and I am genuinely curious about it. Some of his/her/its previous releases were really great.



Well-known member
I like the 12" of SOPHIE's "lemonade" on 33 rpm, kind of a loping rhythm and the sped-up vocals become normal.


this is one of my favorite things i ever found on here, i never really got the context, & not sure who posted it, and when i asked wtf noone replied! it's maybe beginning to make sense


Well-known member
this is one of my favorite things i ever found on here, i never really got the context, & not sure who posted it, and when i asked wtf noone replied! it's maybe beginning to make sense

That was probably me. I have been listening to that mix for weeks. I liked the section by Soda plains a lot too. As far context, I don't know much, if not what is generally known about PC music: classically trained musicians, reshuffling high and low culture, high-definition sound and imagery, but also (irony on) capitalism as (cynical) fun, etc. Sometimes it's great, as in that mix, sometimes it strikes as little more than a pose.


bandz ahoy
I've never read this thread because of the title

Which is analogous to my attitude towards the music itself



Well-known member
TBF the genre name was 'witch house' initially as a cheap label and zhao just decided to say 'witch trap' because he honed in on the fact that a lot of them were taking inspiration from drum programming from footwork and trap.

Well in advance of the post-dubstep generation getting to it actually, which is easy really because it was a scene Americans but still.

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