Ibogaine Trip Report


When this thread began it meant nothing to me cos I'd never heard of Ibogaine. But now, the thread has reared its ugly head again and I know what that stuff is - at least I think I do. I'm pretty sure my friend had this as a thing to help him come off heroin - does that sound right? No-one has mentioned that use here but I'm pretty sure that that is what he had; he is kinda famous cos he's in a successful band and they wanted him straight and either the label or the manager or some rich and famous guy (last time he went to rehab it was paid for by a very very famous guy called Sean with a surname that sounds a bit like lemon) associated with the band paid for him to go to Mexico or somesuch and take Ibogaine and spend a couple of days in some retreat as a quick way to come off the smack.
My understanding is that it worked pretty well, he was clean for a while - then, admittedly, not clean, then clean again - but the point is that in the immediate short term it allowed him to come off the gear without any withdrawal effects (or perhaps it would be fairer to say relatively minor withdrawals for someone who had such a huge habit and then simply stopped) but, in a kind of psychic exchange, he had to spend a day or two tripping out. I seem to remember him saying that the trip was a very introspective one that made him think back over his whole life and kind of evaluate it. At the time I saw him loading up loads and loads of pictures of his childhood and teenage years to facebook, I didn't know then what was going on but speaking to him later when he told me about the whole rehab thing I realised that those pictures were obviously the outward manifestation of the lingering stages of the trip once he'd been allowed out of rehab and back on the internet.


Actually, my girlfriend reckons that he was stuck in hippy-rehab tripping out on Ibogaine for more than two days, she suggests it may have been as long as two weeks.


I should say that I have no idea how the Ibogaine was taken for this cure - whether it was swallowed or otherwise ingested solemnly as part of some shamanistic ceremony or if it was injected by a doctor in a more serious kind of medical way or whatever.


Well-known member
ibogaine is a west african thing but in the exotic circles your mates found himself in it could well be part of an exclusive rehab centre in mexico. what a strange world hes found himself in. they'll get him to do some sort of weird sacrifice soon to initiate him properly i guess.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I've read of people having these incredible allegorical trips, meeting past and future versions of themselves, or encountering representations of different sides of their own personality, all kinds of crazy stuff.


Well-known member
ibogaine is a west african thing but in the exotic circles your mates found himself in it could well be part of an exclusive rehab centre in mexico. what a strange world hes found himself in. they'll get him to do some sort of weird sacrifice soon to initiate him properly i guess.

It's not exotic at all, the main use and exposure most people have to Ibo in the West is as a cure for heroin and other addictions.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
And now he can't eat cheese on toast

Last year I started getting into making bread-and-butter pudding, with proper homemade custard. That shit be the bomb, yo. And I've recently made my first apple and blackberry crumble of the season.

The good Lord is welcome to take me at 70 as long as I've enjoyed myself on the way. Quality, not quantity - or at least, due consideration given to both.


Victory lap
Last year I started getting into making bread-and-butter pudding, with proper homemade custard. That shit be the bomb, yo. And I've recently made my first apple and blackberry crumble of the season.

The good Lord is welcome to take me at 70 as long as I've enjoyed myself on the way. Quality, not quantity - or at least, due consideration given to both.

I don't think it's much of an issue until middle age as long as you're remotely sensible. I've a few years on you, I think, and was well on the way to becoming human foie gras.


It's all grist
Thought Ibogaine was some Hunter S Thompson joke until the other night a friend of mine was telling me used it to beat heroin, 2nd time round at least. Said even doing the tester dose was an immediate pyschological cure. Claimed he had to forcefully reintroduce himself to nicotine, because he had no plans to quit smoking. Was talking about tripping for a month though :eek: He said he was pretty much stuck in his flat, and I asked him if he managed to eat OK. Told me he ate six times a day because he hadn't eaten for two years previous.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
It sure would suck to kick smack after a lengthy addiction and then die of heart failure from massive overeating.

Edit: sorry, that sounds callous. I hope your mate is doing OK and stays off the gear long term.


Well-known member
Claimed he had to forcefully reintroduce himself to nicotine, because he had no plans to quit smoking.

while this is obviosuly stupid beyond belief im sure its true cos the same thing happened to me after magic mushrooms when i was 21. i could feel those horrible things poisoning me. my whole body was rejecting it. but still sometimes you have to push yourself in life and eventually those feelings went away and i readjusted to the toxins

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Well that's just it. Surely the whole point of 'detoxing' is to have the pleasures of retoxing afterwards?


It's all grist
It sure would suck to kick smack after a lengthy addiction and then die of heart failure from massive overeating.

Edit: sorry, that sounds callous. I hope your mate is doing OK and stays off the gear long term.

Yeah I think it's been a while. He did drink more than 2 bottles of red wine during the evening we were talking about this, and come to think of it he mentioned some ketamine action during the day :slanted:


A guy from my football team told me how his work paid for a hypnotist to help people stop smoking. A load of his mates tried it and, much to their surprise and disappointment, it worked - they had to battle through their new found dislike and really persevere so that they could get back into smoking.


bandz ahoy
My favourite hallucinogen is mushrooms.

I've only done that and acid, as far as psychedelics go. Acid was great but was sort of ruined by a drunken friend of mine making me laugh the whole time by rolling around on the floor.

I've tripped hard on ket and pills. On pills I have been able to see through solid surfaces and watch completely IRL looking things happening.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
One of the Google guys is pouring millions into Ibogaine trials:

Catalyst4, a non-profit investment vehicle set up using the proceeds of Brin’s 2021 sale of his Tesla stake, has committed to cover around $15mn of a $25mn funding round for psychedelic start-up Soneira, according to several people briefed on the discussions. The biotech is launching clinical trials looking at ibogaine, a shrub native to West Africa, as a treatment for traumatic brain injury (TBI), they said.

Google co-founder backs biotech studying psychedelic African shrub
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Well-known member
Back in the late 90's a mate of mine came back from 1y in w.africa, living with a traditional community of Ibogaine eaters. He and his brother spent a few years in squats in Brixton measuring out safe flood doses to those wishing to cease suckling on mother's medicinal milk. He gave up after a few years, as the success rate was incredibly low due to nearly all patients not willing to change their inter-environmental relationships, and consequently returned to their unenjoyable habits after a short break.
Any therapy's intent, that ignores transforming our inter-cultural idea space, has in my observations a low success rate.