Goth Feet ASMR
Well-known member
ok so this song has the word "AMAPIANO" in the title but i think its p. gqomy and everyone ive played it for likes it and mabye you will like it too:
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i've never used tiktok, but it warms my heart to know there are loads of other people out there who appreciate U WANNA BAMBA as much as i do! (also kind of explains why a local nigerian restaurant was using it in a snail advertisement they posted to instagram awhile ago, which is how i first heard it)yeh this went viral on tik tok a little while ago cuz of the lyrics.
u want to bamba?
i heard it around so much i got a bit sick of it tbh. definitely more amapiano than gqom yes, but obviously there's bound to be overlap
@okzharp may know more on this but my friend who follows a lot of amapiano guys says that everyone is talking about gqom being set for a big comeback this year... maybe it's a bit of ama-fatigue