
The Biden administration has replaced 'build the wall' with 'the wall is being built'.

You know what I got sidetracked there, that reply was only supposed to be one line, I actually came here meaning to write a totally different point about how Trump had been busted trying to hide his money. Apparently there is an order from the judge saying that he is not allowed to take any money out of the business accounts, and how any major transactions have to be cleared first with some kind of auditor. Cos I guess they're worried that he will transfer the money out and try and hide and try and claim he's bankrupt. And they caught him trying to sneakily withdraw four hundred million without notifying anyone so he could hide it - although he first used it to pay off some fees or fines or something even though the money was from his business and they were personal debts which I'm pretty sure is something else he's not supposed to do.

At this point it's just really hilarious, he simply cannot help himself. For sure he's a compulsive liar, he reminds me of this kid at school who would make up stuff all the time to make his mundane life sound a little bit interesting. But that at least made sense, what used to blow my mind about this kid was if you said "How did you get to school today" then he would say he came on foot, and then later someone would say they had been chatting to him on the bus, and he did this all the time, just completely pointless and unnecessary that gained him nothing. So weird. But then again, if the former president of the US acts like that...

Except Trump is worse, he just cannot help lying, or stealing or just casually being dishonest. He's the person that the phrase "he couldn't lie straight in bed" was made for.


I think there's always a certain amount of continuity between leaders, it's like turning an oil tanker I imagine. A new leader comes in and maybe he's campaigned against policy x of the previous guy. He hates x, he's told everyone x is terrible. He's gonna reverse or replace x the second he can. So probably if it is something that can be meaningfully changed he will make damn sure he does that - otherwise he'll look like a liar or an idiot.

But there are thousands of things kinda ticking along from the last administration and the one before that too. And most of them aren't gonna change themselves. So while the new leader is putting loads of effort very visibly keeping his campaign promise, it's hardly surprising that lots of other stuff just carries on the same with noone really looking at it of paying attention.
I think this is correct. but it's not just about continuity between administrations, it's also continuity between the geopolitical or whatever context in which they operate. just because obama or trump want to remove america from the middle east, the logic which caused it to be there in the first place (oil, for example) doesnt magically cease to apply and start working in the opposite direction. it's a kind of utopian thinking, in a way, to imagine that these problems can be made to disappear.


I think this is correct. but it's not just about continuity between administrations, it's also continuity between the geopolitical or whatever context in which they operate. just because obama or trump want to remove america from the middle east, the logic which caused it to be there in the first place (oil, for example) doesnt magically cease to apply and start working in the opposite direction. it's a kind of utopian thinking, in a way, to imagine that these problems can be made to disappear.

Yeah, the reality of the world at a higher level and closer in you have the civil service or the swamp or whatever you want to call it enacting the results.

I think that some people have a sort of lazy, unconscious idea that the president deals with every single tiny piece of policy. When he comes to power he picks up the statute book and carefully leafs through it, reading every single rule or law or policy and after studying each one thoughtfully he either nods if he's going to allow it to stay or shakes his head if he's going to remove it. And so he can be considered to be personally responsible for everything that happens during his administration. Of course they don't really think that, if you asked them they would say "of course not" but I think that in a way a lot of people kinda think something like that. And the leadership do nothing to disabuse them.


I think this is correct. but it's not just about continuity between administrations, it's also continuity between the geopolitical or whatever context in which they operate. just because obama or trump want to remove america from the middle east, the logic which caused it to be there in the first place (oil, for example) doesnt magically cease to apply and start working in the opposite direction. it's a kind of utopian thinking, in a way, to imagine that these problems can be made to disappear.
the same argument applies for competitor powers - if the govt in China, or russia, or even, say, turkey changed, there would be a substantial amount of continuity, bc the geopolitical context those countries operate in would be the same - their geography would be the same, their energy requirements would be the same, their demography would be the same, their neighbours, etc etc.


You're right with Utopian thinking in many respects. When they're campaigning they don't say "we'll give everyone the power to fly" cos everyone can see through that. But they do say things that are pretty much as unrealistic but people don't realise cos they don't understand economics or foreign policy enough to see it's impossible.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
maybe, but that certainly doesnt answer the question I asked. would Putin have invaded russia if trump was in power? if not, why not?
Biccies has been quite clear about this: Putin would definitely not even have dared to invade in the first place, and then once he'd invaded, Trump would have rendered Ukraine completely defenceless, thus avoiding any violence or other unpleasantness.


Live footage from inside @IdleRich's 'brain':

These histrionics are clearly intended to justify fixing the vote, as which monster would let someone worse than Hitler come to power?



Colorado Supreme Court rules Trump can’t appear on 2024 ballot: Live​

In an unprecedented and historic ruling, the former president and Republican front-runner is struck from the ballot in the Centennial State over his role in the January 6 Capitol riot​

This is gonna cause trouble...


Noone got an opinion on this?
I get that despite the headline if it's only the primary plus it will likely be overturned on appeal so maybe it doesn't ultimately mean much... but it feels like big news, shows that judges aren't afraid to get involved.

To me it's a strange one in that I get that the law is pretty clear, they probably ought to ban him - but politically seems a horrible decision, I dunno why they are pursuing it.


When Trump ascends to the throne he'll be morally bound to throw Colorado out of the Union. We've seen here what happened to Wales and Scotland in similar circumstances.


This made me laugh, it's not really a Trump thing as such, just a mildly amusing example of how partisans will spin ANY news...

The original story...

When Biden won, Trump said the stock market would collapse.

Under Biden, the stock market has now hit another all-time high.

And the response...

yep. a classic double top.

"A double top is an extremely bearish technical reversal pattern that forms after an asset reaches a high price two consecutive times with a moderate decline between the two highs."

Translated - Yeah the stock market is really high, but if you believe in the horoscope style voodoo of technical analysis then it's a sign that the market will go down, or in short, by raising the stock market to a record high... Biden has fucked up again!

If it had anything to do with him anyway which it probably didn't...

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
It's not quite the same thing, but it makes me think of MAGA idiots blaming Biden for high gas(oline) prices, whereas this was actually caused by Trump pressuring the Saudis to cut oil production specifically to drive prices up in order to benefit American producers.


What do we think about Trump's legal jeopardy? I think that there is a reasonable chance that he may manage to delay everything until after the election, and if that happens he can probably just order the charges dropped, at least the federal ones. Now, yesterday the Supreme Court declined Jack Smith's request to expedite the ruling on whether he has presidential immunity, in other words he could do anything as president. I really don't know what that means, a lot of people interpreted it, at first at least, to mean that they are helping him to delay... but then others said it was a sign that they simply won't hear it, which would be the worst possible news for him. So basically that could mean either x or not x and so I'm basically gonna ignore it until we actually find out one way or another. But today Trump asked a DC court to give him immunity, I guess that won't work but it's more delay. It's really kinda interesting watching all this stuff happen, I guess it's all new territory and in a way it makes for great theatre.... but I'm very glad it's in the US and not my country so I can watch it with a degree of distance.