ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
You know who all this reminds me of? That's right, Jean Baudrillard.

I was only half joking here. He did have a thing about humanitarians, human rights, etc.

The New Intellectual Order everywhere follows the paths
opened up by the New World Order. The misfortune, wretched-
ness and suffering of others have everywhere become the raw
material and the primal scene. Victimhood, accompanied by
Human Rights as its sole funerary ideology. Those who do not
exploit it directly and in their own name do so by proxy. There
is no lack of middlemen, who take their financial or symbolic
cut in the process. Deficit and misfortune, like the international
debt, are traded and sold on in the speculative market — in this
case the politico-intellectual market, which is quite the equal of
the late, unlamented military—industrial complex.

Baudrillard, The Perfect Crime (1995)

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I was only half joking here. He did have a thing about humanitarians, human rights, etc.

The New Intellectual Order everywhere follows the paths
opened up by the New World Order. The misfortune, wretched-
ness and suffering of others have everywhere become the raw
material and the primal scene. Victimhood, accompanied by
Human Rights as its sole funerary ideology. Those who do not
exploit it directly and in their own name do so by proxy. There
is no lack of middlemen, who take their financial or symbolic
cut in the process. Deficit and misfortune, like the international
debt, are traded and sold on in the speculative market — in this
case the politico-intellectual market, which is quite the equal of
the late, unlamented military—industrial complex.

Baudrillard, The Perfect Crime (1995)
The formatting of this post got me all excited for a second that polystyle_desu had come back.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
That report I posted on the previous page about Trump and the Christians brings me back to one of Carl Schmitt's concepts I was banging on about the other week. It's a fairly obvious point but a bit more worked on than the initial recognition of what's going on as he refined it into a theory. Whenever I see some example of political hypocrisy I get a flash of incredulity then remember it and think "Of course... ".

Political concepts, Schmitt claims, “are focused on a specific conflict and bound to a concrete situation.” They do not reveal enduring truths about human nature. Rather they serve the rhetorical strategies that, for the moment, appear convenient to one party as it attacks another. All political ideas, therefore, are “incomprehensible if one does not know exactly who is to be affected, combatted, refuted or negated” by them.​
There are holes that can be poked in it, but it feels like the skeleton key for processing a lot of what goes on. One of those "Follow the money" type of ideas that cuts through a lot of the noise.


None of the Trumpists wanted to justify why their man thinks this woman should be smearing the white house in her shite though.... funny that



Every unresolved problem Shaka brings up brings more evidence of these agencies' failures to enable their clients to manage the problems themselves.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
While that can happen I think I'd be uneasy saying that such a relationship is always a con... you've got to stop relying on your insulin, just snap our of it for fuck's sake.

It's like the disability benefits in the UK- we caught one person cheating so we'd better cancel everything, it will save us almost as much as if we taxed Amazon for one week.
The thing is, we all know (and biccies himself knows) that if Harris had won and had for some reason also cancelled USAID, he'd be screaming his head off about wicked, cruel, elitist, racist Democrats who want those poor brown babies in faraway countries to die for want of basic necessities, blah blah blah.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Ha, I see noted alpha chad HMG has cowardly deleted the reply to my post that wrote last night.
But not only am I not even wrong, I'm obviously right. Neither of you has any principles whatsoever beyond whatever you think will trigger the libz. Like when biccies announced that anyone not voting Tory in the last general election was committing an act of "white supremacism", just because Sunak is Asian, but then when I asked him if he was supporting Harris in the upcoming US election on the same basis, he said "Oh, well, no, because of reasons." Or how a million deaths from covid is a statistic, but one case of adverse reactions to a covid vaccine is a crime against humanity.

Blah blah blah, rinse and repeat.


Victory lap
Your mental gymnastics are showing in that post. I think we're only days away from your epiphany.