

It's hardly an outlandish conspiracy theory given the frequency of rigged elections worldwide. The only thing that makes it seem less likely is chauvinistic exceptionalism.


Well-known member
no. hes born and raised in england but he is turkish. that was what the joke was.


Beast of Burden
I don't know why hundredmillionlifetimes got banned by @craner

I mean, he is right that this place is a cesspit of alt right trolls, but what I would have liked to tell him is that they are the last gasp of modern conservatism. They're doomed to be annihilated by their own hands.


I didn’t ban him!

I always felt he was far too entertaining to be banned. Also, I generally don’t agree with banning people.


Well-known member
its sometimes justified. i think it was in that case. but more for his own good than ours. he was going to have a coronary


pass the sick bucket
i mean look the guy had a k-punk foot fetish and is still obsessed with him even though k-punk was always too liberal like his mentor Zizek. Insufficiently bolshevik-leninist in fact.

but we need someone to go on tirade about the trolls rather than me making fun of them.
Some cold serious. There was a third device ready to go that became the baker test. It should have had Stalin's name on it and would have put history of the last 80 years on a more positive, peaceful track.


pass the sick bucket
Yeah, and one of the biggest enthusiasts for doing that was Von Neumann himself who had already made calculations for the highest impact.

with the assistance of herre fuchs, so, cuckolded.

Stalinist if you want to spy for moscow, stalinist if you want to blow up moscow, but the americans never understand true organic centralism!


pass the sick bucket
Fuchs was a strange man. I knew him, though not well. A very popular, very reticent bachelor, who was welcome at parties because of his nice manners. He worked very hard; worked very hard for us, for this country. His trouble was that he worked very hard for Russia, too. Basically, he hated the Germans bitterly. He had an undying hatred and he simply thought this country was not working hard enough to assist the Russians to defeat the Germans. Well, he was in his own odd way loyal to the United States. He suffered from a double loyalty.

no, he was a true centralist who only followed the great historical arc. Foolish Christian atheism for you.


pass the sick bucket
Because why waste time on stuff like that when you could be supplying unsolicited advice on bumhole washing?

that is a very interesting statement...

let us consider it carefully:

If the aim is to send a few moralists into apoplectic rage and cause them to contribute to the glut of low effort content, then it should not matter where one allots the time, should it?

furthermore it is evident that your pupil, the rt. hon. biscetto loves to present himself as jump up zen master, and yet a few gentle prods here and there infuriates both of you to (as the colloquialism has it) completely flip your lids.

Therefore I am unable to ascertain how I am wasting time in any capacity.
Yes, yes, @thirdform , but do you have ready access to a bidet? Or do you use a squeezable plastic bottle to rinse the taint and hindhole?

I note you're ready to school us anglos on ablutions, but without specifics how can we be expected to evolve out of squalor??