
Well-known member


Well-known member
i'm gonna put my cards on the table and say that on this occasion, luka has made a better meme than version.
Yeah, I couldn't get the text right and it ended up a bit of a mess. The paint program I use is really clunky.


Well-known member
luke just went simple and bold and it's always the best way with a meme if there's only one line.

memes have gone a bit now haven't they.

or maybe im just not on social media enough.

i used to like that one with the guy looking at the butterfly


tattoos became so popular all of a sudden, imagine you went to prison or sailed the oceans for years to earn yours and now every rich balenciaga wearing upper class kid got one, sometimes even in an ironic fashion.
This is it... you're thinking has that guy really killed seven with his bare hands..