Ask ChatGPT to inform you about people who you personally know who are on the fringe of public awareness and marvel at how brazenly it misinforms you.
For instance, I asked it about a local footballer and it told me that he tragically died 5 years ago in a car crash and that the club 'likely' put on all manner of events to commemorate his passing (pun intended). The only problem is he's still alive and playing for them.
Another guy who's one of the world's best in a fringe sport it confidently replaced in a different sport and waxed lyrical about a panoply of incorrect achievements.
Maybe it's tapping into parallel universes.
For instance, I asked it about a local footballer and it told me that he tragically died 5 years ago in a car crash and that the club 'likely' put on all manner of events to commemorate his passing (pun intended). The only problem is he's still alive and playing for them.
Another guy who's one of the world's best in a fringe sport it confidently replaced in a different sport and waxed lyrical about a panoply of incorrect achievements.
Maybe it's tapping into parallel universes.