Was that the Fenton by any chance, I used to watch a few folk guys in there occasionally
why not?not exactly gonna divulge that am i now.
why not?
look m8 i am not interested in boring feelings and putrid 17th century phenomenology when nina power's students at rohampton or goldsmiths or wherever were still listening to arcade fire and mumford and sons i was already formulating acid communism, by smashing through the frontiers to level 15. there is no need for conscious raising. the doctrine is dio, the social brain knows everything! the future society will put an end to idle chattering and psychedelically realise its potential with its eyes closed. no need to wank into a frenchman's sock. this is not a therapy playground, begin riots in the hospitals, rip up the doctors consultant papers, abolish their firms, full comunion with christ for everyone!
Iconic. No reacts after version led a secret campaign to deprive me of reacts so he could overtake me and ultimately gain Leadership of the forum. Founding document of cartoon physics.This is the hype one.
Tick tock between twin time states. Unstable physical construct. Lurching passage between two colliding universes, before the merge is made and contraries balanced and mutually locked. Imperative command-centre maintains both brain contact. Hold on!
Phase-shift. Breakthrough to provisional equilibrium condition. Attempt to establish traction, halting at first. Acceleration established. Cruising speed reached. Acceleration to Threshold. Breakthrough. Transistion to enhanced light body. Resources commandeered for light-craft. New abilities. Greater complexity and coherence. Collapsing time to reconstruct it at a different plane. Turning the time cube. Enhanced engine drives. Entry into contested zone. The eternal guard dogs bark. Fear enzyme flashes in the cortex display panel. Exit. Return to mapped zone. Approach void centre. Self almost collapsed in huge pressure of void gravity. Steer away.
Mosque above the Puzza Hut. I was listening to that earlier this weekfield recording of a muezin that woops sent me over whatsapp
reminds me of living on the other side of the street from the mosque on lewisham way and also how reverberation history is tied with Halim El Dabh
I also really want to go to the community cafe they run next door. We should go for one of the ramadan late night hangouts when I visit in a couple weeks.Mosque above the Puzza Hut. I was listening to that earlier this week