
bandz ahoy
Under music videos.

A place to share the wisdom/passion/stupidity of effectively anonymous youtube people.

Just noticed while listening to an oldskool electro mix that the comments underneath add a touch of melancholy to listening cos it's all people reminiscing about when they were young and out dancing, doing drugs, etc. (This was covered by VICE, actually

These are typical (if not brilliant) examples of that sort of comment:

'Alex William
11 months ago (edited)
Damn i miss the 80s. music brought everyone 2gether. pop locking, b-boy, break dancing, GRAFFITI.all from the 80s great times growing up in L.E.S. New york city Baruch houses... now it has no soul like the music of 2day,DAMN THAT SUCKS. put me in a time machine and take me back any day.. ✌'

'DJ Celo
2 years ago
These days tho!!! sitting on the stoop with these banging out of the boom box all 12 D batteries would last about 2 hours!! hahahahah best times of my life'

Interesting reading youtube comments cos forums are such a minority (and nerdy) pursuit these days and music critics don't write like this. Usually Youtube comments sections are an absolute cess pit so it's interesting to find that on this quite niche music videos you'll get a lot of heartwarming sharing of memories and enthusiasm.


Well-known member

Lord of Frogs Genie 9 months ago

every gang has least one fat yute like liquez 🍔🍟 nah but cold still ❄❄


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stewart fenner2 years ago
Emmylou Harris. I am stewart fenner. You are a dear friend of Sheryl. You 2 are very similar. Both of u are beautiful inside and out. You were very helpful in sheryls early career and her brother Rodney. I love both u and Sheryl. But I really am truly in love forever with Sheryl. And I think she is aware of that fact. I've tried to convey my love to Sheryl. I am also a super person and not a stalker which is a constant concern to both of u. If you could reinforce with Sheryl my true love for her and her wonderful boys Wyatt and Levi I would greatly appreciate it. By the way my daughter and son in law are also celebirties too Google them. Shelby fenner and Shaun majumder. Thanks so much. Much love to u also I have a lot to give. I am what Sheryl has been seeking all her adult life and she is what I have been seeking too. I am an atty just like her dad. I am also an inventor with 10 ideas worth mucho money I am pursuing with my patent atty. Best wishes. Stewart fenner


Can turn naughty
from sly and the family stone - africa talks to you the asphalt jungle

the shit larry graham does with the bass on this song is beyond belief. so gentle but so much power behind it. reminds me of a huge lazy ground sloth that could kill you if it wants but it's just pluckin berries from the tree lyin in the sun being stupid

so on point.


pass the sick bucket
oh found it from a post last year in a fb music group - it was on doc scott surgery but darker than i thought it was unsure whether to like :/ yt has removed it aswell.

"Fuckin' chhhoooooon! Original hoover tune, showing the Dutch and Belgium. You don't need a bitch (how can't hold a fucking note) wailing on about nobody can stop us, skies filled with morphic colours of a trancendic mind filled with a waterfall running with sensual warm water uniting us all under her unshaven armpit drenching us in stinky b/o of love. Anyway no woman singing and a breakbeat instead of a 4/4 beat makes the UK the place to get yah! rocks off in between 89-93. Capsules at £20 a pop, Top Buzz on the dex with Mad P chanting on about how Top Will make you feel red???? Drop this, rush comes on and on and on liking a fucking Ariston! Pills, thrills and plenty of missed Sunday dinners, with you Mum smuggling you to your bedroom before your Dad see's what remains of his son. On the way gently reassuring her you only had a few lagers, must be that a had a bad pint eh mum? Top daze and fucking sorted nights. Look at the UK now. Fucking ugly thieving leather and shell suit wearing pikey Romanian gypo's trying to sell you a copper ring, its 22c honest! Whilst you couples one mother fucking ugly kid in her arms, saying 'my baby Capoosky he no well, he no good, capoosky no eat for twenty days!' Fuck off! Britain grow a pair kick em all the fuck back over to France, why not every fucker else has invaded the cheese monkeys. Out of Europe. Rant over top upload."

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party record with a siren

Cary Gray said:
This makes me sad I came out at the warehouse in 1982 me my 1st boyfriend (rip tony) I was 18 and lost, going to bookstores and creepy movie theaters and a guy said you don't belong here and told me about the warehouse on Jefferson and it opened@ midnight. I got there 10 minutes early and the line was long. The music was cathartic and transformative, I wasn't alone there was a place full of people a lot like me, young black gay kids not in anyone's closet just damn audacious and I exhaled.

Happy story, no unfortunately for then the plague came and crippled 3 generations I guess God needed to teach the Angels how to really dance with complete abandon and tread on the gates of hell with glee and assured victory. Thanks and praise but I miss my friends and I miss them old queens who knew the answers to my questions of life lived abundantly.



padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
this is the only YT comment I still remember - in detail! - 5 years after reading it. I will definitely remember it forever.

highly, highly doubt it's true, but still

and that it's on one of, maybe the, absolute pinnacles of freeform psychedelic guitar music, manuel + klaus (who's a great fucking drummer) before they got respectable and boring

Lord Gaut 5 years ago I was nineteen years old when I was in the war in 1972. One of the guys in my platoon had this song on 8 track tape. while walking through the elephant grass. We came up on a burnt out tank (ours) got in. got comfortable,dropped acid. (brown acid)some where during the night we were over come. The only memory I have of that night, is this song playing its violent guitar solo.And fighting this enemy solder with my fingers and teeth I woke up during dawn, and guy was ripped in pieces next to me.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
(if you wanna skip ahead to it, the solo he's talking about starts a bit before 16:00 and goes til the end of the song and is definitely pretty wild)


Well-known member
fred bloggs
fred bloggs
1 year ago
Russia soon showed them how hard they are at the EURO'S,
Book Worm
Book Worm
1 year ago
The Russians wrecked em
Lenny Large
Lenny Large
1 month ago
fred bloggs they didn't fight them at the fucking euros because they are all banned from travelling, I think you'll find the Russians beat up a load of dad's with their kids really fucking hard 🤔
English Hooligan
English Hooligan
1 month ago (edited)
Lenny Large, have you ever been to Russia, you muppet? The Russians are the best fighters in the world, you daft cunt! Look at Fedor Emelianenko, you mong! Marriner and his firm wouldn't last a minute in Dagestan or Chechnya! Those guys are beasts! I have a lot of respect for them as fighters! You can only throw bottles at each other and say how tough you are! LOL
Lenny Large
Lenny Large
1 month ago
English Hooligan yeah I'll look it up after I've finished having a wank over putin
English Hooligan
English Hooligan
1 month ago
Lenny Large, that's good. It's the best thing you can do.
Lenny Large
Lenny Large
1 month ago
English Hooligan I'm not saying that they are not a tough outfit I'm stating that the majority of the people they beat up were fat middle aged sofa surfers with replica shirts on not the English version of them
English Hooligan
English Hooligan
1 month ago
Most Russians can't even afford to get to Europe! Give me a fucking break! The Russians have beaten Napoleon, Hitler, the Mongols, the crusaders! What the fuck are you on about? Do you really think that a bunch of drunken idiots from Chelsea can intimidate the Russians??? LOL
Lenny Large
Lenny Large
1 month ago
English Hooligan mate what are you going on about?
I never mentioned Chelsea or any other firm did I all I said was its not difficult to beat up a bunch of middle age soft cunts from England
Also I think you will find that the Russians won all of the battles you listed due to the Russian winter and not the Russian troops you idiot
Plus what the fuck are you talking about wars for this is football hooligans who would shit their pants in a real war
English Hooligan
English Hooligan
1 month ago
The Russians won the bloodiest battle in human history called "The Battle for Stalingrad". Due to the Russian winter and not the Russian troops, you muppet? I doubt you even know what you're talking about.
Lenny Large
Lenny Large
1 month ago
English Hooligan yes that's correct and if you read into it a bit deeper you will learn that it was due to the German troops weren't equipped properly for the Russian winter and not supplies could be dropped in

I don't need a fucking history lesson from you you twat

Again what the fuck does this have to do with football hooligans?
English Hooligan
English Hooligan
1 month ago
Fuck off, you mong! The Russians did much better against Hitler than you did, you fucker! You were all sitting on your island waiting for the USA to come while the Russians fought in Stalingrad and Leningrad. So shut the fuck up, you shithouse!
Lenny Large
Lenny Large
1 month ago
English Hooligan jesus you really are a total fuck wit aren't you, haven't you got anything better to do than sit in front your phone rattling on about this shit

Go and find someone to beat up as your clearly a very heavy customer aren't you, I bet your about fucking 14 years old and weigh in at about 10 stone 😂
English Hooligan
English Hooligan
1 month ago
Give me your phone number, you cunt.
English Hooligan
English Hooligan
3 weeks ago
What's the matter? Are you shitting yourself?! I asked you for your phone number, you shithouse.
Lenny Large
Lenny Large
3 weeks ago
English Hooligan yeah that's right your scary my mum said I can't give my phone number out to scary men, haven't you got any more world war 2 history lessons for me?
English Hooligan
English Hooligan
3 weeks ago
I said, give me your phone number, you shithouse!
Robin Hood
Robin Hood
1 week ago
6 days ago
English Hooligan Ivan Drago was hard too want he mate
Gens Ex Machina
Gens Ex Machina
6 days ago
haha weak english homo
david dingvean
david dingvean
4 days ago
I am no and never been a football hooligan but ive been around ..gods honest truth the russians were beating up over 50 year old men in sidestreets when all the english boys turned up they were on where to be seen..thats the truth ..not sticking up for anyone .i could never see the point of mindless violence
Music Music
Music Music
2 days ago
The russians great fighters lol? what on earth is that guy talking about. Russia defeated the mongols ? lol russia was supressed by the mongols until they were split into fractions by their own administration differences, the amount of time it took the russian's to get their own country back is what was alarming
Skittzo Quinn
Skittzo Quinn
2 days ago
English hooligan you a prick...Before Rangers got raped&thrown down leagues wen we was still in europe we went russia several times like 40000 strong took liberties everywer,if wernt for fact gettin sent to Div3 Uefa wer lookin2ban Rangers Fans travilin Europen away games...Took librrties everywer includin Russa..Fact
Ian Harris
Ian Harris
1 day ago
ummm.....britain won the battle of britain on its own with no help at all....america were still trading with germany at the time and russia were allied to them...look it notice i wasn't throwing insults your way? keep it civil ok
max sanderson
max sanderson
1 day ago
English hooligans arnt allowed to travel anymore the russians beat up casuals


Well-known member
"I've got this song associated with one summer morning.. Walking home from a party, 5am.. Down by the river, seeing the sun rise, coming down from weed and becoming slightly hangover.. This is just so nostalgicaly throwing me back to the days, where everything was fine.. my life is a joke now, I'm just thankful for music like this, keeping me alive just by throwing me back in time"



Well-known member
7 minutes into this masterpiece, headphones elevating me higher, transcending this mortal plane....then, at exactly 6:11 into if part of my trip, I watch my sister's dog slowly walk in front of my TV, stop, circle as if in slow motion, squat, look me dead in the eye, shake a little, then he pinched off a Cleveland Steamer on the carpet.


ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
I remember the first time I heard this song. It was at my friend, Tim's apartment. Tim was one of the most prescient music listeners I ever met: he was always ahead of the curve, always listening to "popular" or critically successful music before it was both or either. In the late '90s, he DJ'ed on Madison, Wisconsin's listener-supported WORT as the Reverend Half Note into the wee hours, playing lounge music, which he'd listened to for years before it started cresting the popular wave. Anyway, the first time I heard "My Little Underground," I hated it. "What the fuck's with all the feedback?!" I couldn't see any purpose, but took a taped copy of the album at Tim's insistence. On the road, driving back to Lake G. at the bottom of the state, I found myself humming and trying to remember a sweet little ditty I'd heard somewhere. Recognition was painfully just beyond my reach and I struggled for miles to remember where I'd heard the song. Then it hit me. I popped in the tape Tim gave me to play the first song of side two, "My Little Underground," shaking my head in disbelief. Where I'd heard nothing but walls of indiscernible feedback, Tim listened through to a simple, catchy ballad buried beneath that wall of sound -- the same ditty I now hummed driving home. Tim died in 2000 of ALS. I will always remember him for his amazing musical taste. Together, we saw Jesus and Mary Chain in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I can't remember if it was 1990 or 1994, Eagles Club/Rave or Club Voltaire. I do remember they were playing Ted Nugent's Cat Scratch Fever between opening act and lead act. Tim told me he was curious to see if the Chain would show up: apparently, the band members were notorious for shooting heroin before shows and either forgetting or neglecting to go on stage. (In one such instance, the band remained in the prep room below the stage listening to angry British fans rip the stage to pieces, afraid to leave for fear of injury or loss of buzz.) We stood about 15 rows back. I asked Tim why he didn't want to move closer. "Wait," he said. "You'll see." As soon as the band appeared on stage and played their first few chords, the first five rows went absolutely fucking nuts, rushing the stage, tossing each other into the crowd, stage diving, fighting. A constant stream of bloody-nosed security guards dragged blood-smeared punks through the crowd to ejection, pounding their faces through the ouster. The melee went on throughout several songs. All the while, the band played stiff as mannequins, moving only to step back occasionally to avoid the beatings taking place on stage. To date, I have not seen a show as wildly dissociative as that: a petrified band playing to a hand-to-hand skirmish.
