
Binary & Tweed

Tuesday’s first installment of sanctions hit members of Putin’s inner circle and their families and two banks that the U.S. considers especially crucial to the Kremlin and Russia’s military. Another new U.S. measure limits Russia’s power to raise money abroad.

U.S. officials made clear they were holding in possible reserve more devastating measures, in case Russia escalates actions threatening Ukraine’s territory and sovereignty. The Biden administration says those more sweeping penalties would cripple Russia’s ability to do business at home and abroad, and likely bring on a recession there.


Binary & Tweed
Unfortunately the sanction warfare seems bound to effect those who really shouldn't have to suffer them, but I don't see any better solution re: deescalatory measures.

Overall, the U.S. and its allies aim to impose sanctions that compel Putin to change his ways, while hoping to minimize the harshest impacts on ordinary Russians and any collateral economic damage on the U.S. and European allies.


Binary & Tweed
Of course, crypto may jeopardize the efficacy of some of these tactics. Thats what it was designed for, to be uncensorable.


Binary & Tweed

From Marco Rubio, an example of a Republican perspective that is still anti-Russia in this case:

One of the things that's happening here is, you know, we've waged a war under the Biden administration against oil and natural gas in the United States. We stopped producing it. We've cracked down on it. We're not going to do more of it, and so what's happened is it's made Russian oil and natural gas more valuable. It's made Putin giving him more leverage, and it's actually left to Europe and us and the world more vulnerable. We've got to reverse … that's one of the most important sanctions we can impose right now is to announce tonight, Joe Biden should go on TV and say, "I am lifting all these silly Green New Deal restrictions and we are going to begin to produce oil and natural gas so that thugs like Vladimir Putin don't get to hold entire continents hostage."

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Bet they wished they'd hung onto the nukes that were stationed there after the USSR broke up.


Well-known member
Economic sanctions won't do much for the lads getting cruise missiles through their window this morning

We might end up seeing a lot of those shell-owned waterfront apartments in Central on the market very quickly though


Well-known member
can't beleive craner is not in this thread hopping from foot to foot like a triumphant Rumplestiltskin.