kid charlemagne

Well-known member
@luka i forgot what thread i posted it in last time, but i found another open mic, it has been about a month since i did the first one, so it is imperative i do another one asap.... this one is friday.... i am planning on writing a poem on raymond chandler, or more specifically marlowe.... i will obviously try to write somethign good, but i will be looking to greatly improve my presentation and speaking in front of a crowd..... i will come back here friday night to post my poem and to let you know how it goes

kid charlemagne

Well-known member
wise @luka and @sus must have been wondering "why hasnt kid charlemagne posted any poems or tales from the open mics, he said he would be going to one every month and updating us, yet we have only heard from him for one of the months?!?!!?!??"

yes, ok, i didnt make it to an open mic in february, i did write a poem for february, and did find three different open mics, one i didnt go to because of a concert, the next got moved to a different date, and the final one i showed up and they told me they didnt have room for me..... but! i went to one tonight, and it was quite the experience, for better and worse..... and because i missed february, i will be going to a second one in march do not worry, i will be going 12/12 in 2025.....

so i found this online, the descriptions mentioned music AND poetry, so i felt it was a good spot for me to go, i just was a little concerned/skeptikal since the pictures for the event clearly showed people at the mic doing music......the event said 730 and i was nervosus because my trains were delayed and i showed up around 745..... there was no one there..... im waiting outside the door, this guy comes up, and hes like 'u here for the open mic?' 'i say yes, the door is not open', then someone comes to the door and lets us in, there are some chairs, and i show my ticket and sit in the first row.....immediately when i walk in and sit down my concerns return..... it was a small little cafe room, and at the front of the room was a counter with someone with mics, a laptop and it seemed like some real music shit..... speakers and all.... im like whatever.... i cant fail luka and sus i have to stay i may be nervous and introverted but not extroverted enough to walk out now.... more people pull in..... the real names of the philly underground.... dudes in bomber jackets and hoodies.... dudes with a bunch of shiny jewelry..... enough people are in for the show to start.... the first guy comes up.... hes the only other white guy besides me..... he asks me to record him while he performs.... im in the front row of course.... he introduces himself as "dirty harry".... hint hint, named after the clint eastwood character, im intrigued...... then i dont know he starts rapping about his traumatic life and how the marshall mathers lp saved his life..... the next guy comes up.... hes starts shouting out places in philly.... he points and me, 'where u from?' i say 'center city'..... the crowd makes their noises "wow" "center city".... the guy next to me starts going "stay priveliged ok" and then says "i aint never hear anyone say they from center city"...... soon, i hear the guy up front say my name..... countless moments before this i had thought.... i should go home, i dont belong here, i knew this wouldnt be right for me.... i dont know what to say really, but i took a train 20 min to get here, i would kick myself if i didnt do something because i had told luka and sus i would be doing this.....

i walk up to the mic.... the music turns off.... i say i will read poetry i say my name.... they shout 'center city' when i get up there.... i nervously read the first poem off my phone..... i begin to walk to back to my seat but i start hearing "RUN IT BACK".... i have to face the music..... i go back to the mic and say "i have another i have another".... i read the next one about bob dylan..... one of the guys who runs it took me aside to take a picture with me and says that hes glad i came and that he wants more poetry..... he sees my bob dylan hat and compliments it.... "what they know about bob".... i feel ok enough and go back to my seat..... performances go on, and eventually i go home.....

overall.... im glad i went and read my work, it certainly wasnt the venue and type of event i am aiming to go to, there was nothing wrong with the people or performances, but im just trying to find and meet more people in the poetry sphere which is part of why im doing this..... it is what it is.... there will be plenty of more oppurtunities and i guess i got a story out of tonight..... i will post my poem of course, and i will also search online to find and videos from the event.... so many people were recording....

as for my performance, i unfortunately think i only did ok, i thought my poems were good, but they werent really a performance, i just read them into the mic.... someone in the crowd said "say that shit with the soul you wrote it with".... that was pretty real, but im not sure how to do that, i just elevated my voice.... i need some improvement on my performances..... but! this has all inspired me to write more and become a better writer and performer.... i will improve, i know i can.

kid charlemagne

Well-known member
this was the new poem i performed....

Words sterilized from 7000 Wilshire Drive,
Senselessly strum the voice of dead angels,
A man and his smoke,
Sits like a sculptor,
His wives studying their husbands neck,
Hylic faces are reddened,
Whiskey drowned skulls awaken,
He holds death on a leash,
Life in a noose,
The pendulum’s words swing with just a push of the pen.


this was the new poem i performed....

Words sterilized from 7000 Wilshire Drive,
Senselessly strum the voice of dead angels,
A man and his smoke,
Sits like a sculptor,
His wives studying their husbands neck,
Hylic faces are reddened,
Whiskey drowned skulls awaken,
He holds death on a leash,
Life in a noose,
The pendulum’s words swing with just a push of the pen.
Good improvements happening