
bandz ahoy
"And meanwhile time goes about its immemorial work of making everyone look and feel like shit. You got that? And meanwhile time goes about its immemorial work of making everyone look, and feel, like shit."


cat malogen
Listen Jack, dont listen to the naysayers, 40’s are fuckin brilliant, a cruise and no nappies to take up your time. Now you can become an internationalist, see the world’s great art centers, travel at your pace, eat what you like when you like

Because I have to level with you - 50’s are absolute wreckage, training an extra 2 hours a week, fortunately abstinence has created a decent humblebrag foundation and my hair is still thick and dark. But. But .. I’m preying for retirement. 58-60 and done. Sell up and move, gtfo of Britain, no mortgage bs, pension equity done, kids independent etc

Have fun, shit it’s a Sunday but not a perfect world


cat malogen
to bask in the last vestiges of early middle-age is sound advice, to suppress is to repress barring becoming a revolutionary assassin against I dunno Jeremy Clarkson in Oxfordshire types, if you need a mission

your county‘s country piles need culling, Jack, Bill Kent is solid on opfer selection