
Well-known member
I'm definitely on the proper tunes side, particularly when you consider that plenty of groundbreaking stuff happened by accident and as a byproduct of people making proper tunes.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
I guess that makes sense

but couldn't you have - often do have - cases where things become proper tunes despite and not because of the intent of their creators

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
I don't want to dig thru a bunch of YT playlists now

but I'm sure I could find plenty of examples of weird stuff disco and post-disco DJs repurposed as they created the concept of disco and later house

I guess you would still be talking about intent in that case, tho of the DJ rather than the original producer


Well-known member
I'd have thought that stuff would have just been proper tunes as it's ostensibly dance music.


Well-known member
Maybe Kraftwerk would be a good example. They come across as being quite ambitious and boundary pushing but they made a bunch of proper tunes.


Void Dweller
kraftwerk are 100% proper tunes to me. again it's not about how new or influential they were.


Void Dweller
also I hate to get too much into "it's all subjective man" but it does depend on how you're approaching things. a lot of music that the UK people here would consider proper tunes would not be seen that way at all by people I know in Minnesota.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
the issue with the determining factor being intent is that it focuses on the creator rather than the audience

undoubtedly the creator's intent is important to consider

but proper tunes are made by the audience. the massive.

proper tunes are - among other things - shared memories, nostalgia, shorthand for emotions, pivotal moments


Well-known member
I'm definitely struggling to think of any non-proper tunes which accidentally became proper tunes. I'm not convinced it works both ways.

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
whereas you can make all the avant whatever bullshit you want with no audience at all

in fact sometimes it probably helps establish the avant bonafides (if lots of and/or the wrong kind of people like this, how weird/good/etc can it be?)

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
I'm definitely struggling to think of any non-proper tunes which accidentally became proper tunes. I'm not convinced it works both ways.
like I said I don't wanna dig rn, I gotta go to sleep

but I am convinced they exist, if only as rule-proving exceptions

it does depend where you draw the boundary on proper tunes

for example "Marquee Moon"

I guess they weren't TRYING to make it unapproachable, that's just played guitars and wrote songs in a real fucking unusual way

but I heard that in a Starbucks the other day

"Autobahn" + that kinda thing, as mentioned w/Kraftwerk

padraig (u.s.)

a monkey that will go ape
sure, definitely a proper tune

but it's basically an uncredited remix (nowadays we'd call it an edit, really) of something by Jean-Luc Ponty called "Computer Incantations for World Peace"

if you're talking, you know, ambitions