here's one for me &
Melvyn Bragg - South Bank Show - Simon Raven
( for those who don't know, Simon Raven was one of the finest 20th century novelists )
edit: I only became aware of Simon Raven due to
@IdleRich but I am forever indebted for the recommendation, the
Alms For Oblivion cycle is up there with the best that Britain can offer when it comes to literature, a perfect amalgamation of sleaze and upper class snobbery
"Mogg was the chap who started the rumour that masturbation causes syphillis, deliberately, po-faced"
^ Raven reminisces about Jacob's daddy
Melvyn is trying really hard not to laugh during portions of his interview with the old goat, especially when Raven chats about "mutual masturbation, white thighs, huge legs"