It's not really true that I want to extirpate all magical thought, you know.
I'm mainly not an animist: I think human beings have an evolved sensitivity towards autonomous agency in their environment, and tend to see it where it isn't as well as where it is. There's that line of Larkin's about his unmagical childhood in Coventry where, as he says, he "wasn't spoken to by an old hat".
As a small child I knew of the existence of a spirit I called the Electric Ghost, a shimmering blue apparation that floated in the darkness at the top of the stairs. It sometimes spoke to me. I have a lifelong phobia of malfunctioning electrical equipment, and sometimes wonder if the Electric Ghost was an early premonition of my eventual death. I'll plug a guitar into a faulty amplifier, and ZAP.
These phantoms we conjure are intriguing and frightening emanations of our own minds. I don't believe they exist independently of us, but they appear to us as if they do.