
bandz ahoy
I've never consciously collected (well that might be hyperbole)

I've just got very little self control and an interest in books

I know this will read like a joke to some of you but I only recently realised that I'm a pretty obsessive person. It's just that my obsessions constantly change so I don't even get the advantages that might come with being totally obsessed with learning how to unicycle e.g.


bandz ahoy

Maybe instead of more books i'll get this blown up to 5 x 2 metres frame it and put in my toilet


Well-known member
its becasue i had halcyon books down the road selling all books for one pound. i got more brilliant than the sun for one pound

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
I like the story Jenks told about having to hide all the books that kept arriving from Amazon during Covid from his wife, like an alcoholic smuggling bottles of gin into the house and hiding them in the garage

My mate had to do this. He'd go to charity shops and come back with armfuls until his fiancee went mad because they were taking up so much room and made him promise not to buy any more. He couldn't help himself though and started trying to hide them amongst the old ones.
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Beast of Burden
My mate had to do this. He would go out to charity shops and come back with armfuls until his fiancee went mad because they were taking up so much room and made him promise not to buy anymore. He couldn't help himself though and started trying to hide them amongst the old ones.

I've run out of bookshelves in my house and I've had to start storing them in large plastic boxes up in the attic. One day I would like to have an office lined with all these books so I don't keep having to go up a ladder when I want something.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
I hardly dare mention this with Version around but I got a hardback copy of Jeane Kirkpatrick's Dictatorships and Double Standards from there for a pound

I almost posted Ed Dorn mentioning her in a poem the other day, but didn't want to open the old wound.


ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
I'm not that interested in this really but even so can you copy and paste it cos apparently i've used up all my GQ points this month

Out of the Past I saw in a double bill with Bambi. Those are the posters that as a child, they promised me something when I went to the theater.” Scorsese has thousands of posters and lobby cards from the ’40s and ’50s, he said, but these are different, and that’s why they’re here. “In any event, it is how you’re spending the time. Because it really means spending it. It’s not going to come back. And so there’s a balance between allowing yourself to exist—meaning, some people say ‘rest’; it’s not really resting, it’s existing—and the other thing is a manic, manic desire to learn everything at once. Everything.”

He started looking around. “Which volumes are here? This is Ovid. There’s this guy, I started reading this last night, this is amazing.” He held up a book about the Elizabethan playwright Thomas Nashe. He held up another book: “Shakespeare’s tutor, Thomas Kyd.” He would love to go back to school, he said. He would love to read The Divine Comedy: “You have to get through the whole thing, but you need a guide.” He’s read all of James Joyce (besides Finnegans Wake), all of Tolstoy, all of Melville, all of Dostoevsky, but there’s so much he hasn’t read. Take Oblomov, by Ivan Goncharov. A book about a guy who just stays in bed and who doesn’t do anything. “He just wants to exist. Too much trouble falling in love. It’s gonna be painful. Too much trouble having a friendship. And I really want to read that. Because maybe the whole value is…look at the dogs we have. They exist. They don’t sin. You know what I’m saying? It’s like, what if you can get into that space? But at the same time, I want to know about the Akkadians and I wanna know about Cyrus the Great.”

Which made Scorsese think of the Elamites: “What were they doing?” This is the beginning of civilization that he was talking about now. But the thing is, “I have no more time. I have no more time.”
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