
whereas an academic might pick one image and study it extensively. but there’s something satisfying about the approach here, where focus keeps shifting to new expansions/extensions of the initial landscape, so you get a series of explicated images
Very polite way of saying ADHD


He's messaging me very upset you changed the focus of your work from cartoon physics to audio animation. What do you make of this?


Well-known member
important stuff here. last image is very similar to the image i associate with the unvoice. a face emerging out of the depths.

The machine god at the end of The Matrix Revolutions.



Well-known member
He's messaging me very upset you changed the focus of your work from cartoon physics to audio animation. What do you make of this?
this isnt true i just said barty was sad you swapped his term for your own one cos he thought his one sounded way cooler


audio animation predates cartoon physics
Fact check: true!

phenomenology of electroacoustic music a kind of kindred spirit. in energy flash the idea of approaching electronic dance music as "audio sculpture" comes up (for me "audio animation" might be even more helpful)--and it's an idea that's very transferable to electroacoustic stuff. even formally speaking, both use some of the...

Cartoon Physics/The Revenge of the Tangible

Golden-age Loony Toons is amazing because of its ontological malleability when it comes to the laws of physics. A character will be squashed flat by an anvil and then roll around like a coin before popping back as though they're a balloon filling with air. physical properties shift...
  • sadmanbarty
  • Thread
  • Oct 4, 2019
  • acme as long as the music's good historical sexual abuse operation luketree
  • Replies: 180
  • Forum: Music


"Absolute music has many highly intelligent proponents, including my old philosophy advisor and even the iconic poet, novelist, musician, and London underworld explorer Woops. But despite these lofty endorsements I find it so absurd on an intuitive level that I won’t discuss it any further… not even past the blatant strawman I just offered."
like shooing away a fly!


This for all conscious experience maybe. Introspective theories of self as discovering vs organizing oneself.
I think about anxiety sometimes as memetic parasite. You learn a way of interpreting your body and of reacting to the world. "Learning to see" is itself an ambiguous phrase between projecting and perception.


Well-known member
What's a good platform to blog these days?
How to internalise but not to dissolve but sediment?
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What's a good platform to blog these days?
How to internalise but not to dissolve but sediment?
What are your goals?

If you don't care about RSS/mailing/distribution, and just wanna pass around to friends or keep for yourself, there are a ton of fun options:
- channel as blog
- Shared Google doc as blog
- Dissensus thread

If you want a "real" blog w/ RSS, I really like Lovely Markdown interface. Recommended only if you have a lil bit of developer experience.

Wordpress and Blogspot are still around and chuggin, just ask Mvuent. I sorta hate my Wordpress but I'm stuck on it and it works. Really bulky, kinda ugly, and I spend $80 a year for the custom domain, but I haven't hated it enough to offboard.

There's always Tumblr.


I've heard Silvrback is good for devs too. Try Svtle if you're willing to pay and want clean and simple.

My buddy uses and likes it a lot. Simple, has mailing/RSS.