ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
I've been purposefully avoiding the interviews with leavers people have been mocking on Twitter, but I've just seen this one and fucking hell...


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I've been purposefully avoiding the interviews with leavers people have been mocking on Twitter, but I've just seen this one and fucking hell...

"Stacey and Tracey"?

OK sorry this has GOT to be a Remoaner false-flag job.


Well-known member
I agree a lot of people who have been allowed to vote (and participate in referendums) are subhuman Epsilons who were starved of oxygen at birth.

So, what is the conclusion we draw from this? The franchise should be limited? Democracy should be withdrawn?

Genuine question? Are we too uneducated as a nation to vote?
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john eden

male pale and stale
I agree a lot of people who have been allowed to vote (and participate in referendums) are subhuman Epsilons who were starved of oxygen at birth.

So, what is the conclusion we draw from this? The franchise should be limited? Democracy should be withdrawn?

Genuine question? Are we too uneducated as a nation to vote?

It would be great to get Rich/Tea’s take on this, to clear the air. The sort of coming together that Dissensus and The Nation needs right now.


Well you know... worst system except all the others... if we don't use it properly and guard it carefully it breaks blah blah blah. Obviously collectively we are too stupid to grasp a number of issues... and if we can't understand them how can we make a decision and vote. But what's the alternative? I mean in my ideal world there would be compulsory education in politics and citizenship and so on, but obviously that opens up its own can of worms about what should be taught and how..
I dunno man, but I think we can all agree that it's veey frustrating to see someone explaining why they voted as they did... and it becomes apparent they've totally misunderstood the issue and voted against what they wanted. Even the politicians who benefit from that vote ought to feel ashamed... but they never do.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
It would be great to get Rich/Tea’s take on this, to clear the air. The sort of coming together that Dissensus and The Nation needs right now.

On the one hand, obviously it would neither be feasible nor ethical to restrict the franchise based on a minimum IQ score or anything like that. On the other, it's profoundly depressing to hear Stacey and Tracey say they voted Leave because (they believe) Germany is unilaterally making laws that the UK is obliged to follow.

I don't have a solution and I'm not convinced one exists. Except for you lot to organise a coup and install me as benign dictator for life.
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Darned cockwombles.
"We're got control of our waters again and that'll be brilliant"

The idea that a supermajority wouldn't be needed to make such a profound change to the UK's status at all levels, is one of the stupidest ideas that has ever been had.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
The issues around fishing and the sea are clearly very important for many people on a symbolic level, I think. People get really worked up it about even though they live fifty miles from the sea, go to Rye or Teignmouth once a year and have fish and chips for lunch every other Friday (made with cod imported from Iceland or Norway).


Beast of Burden
Yeah, well it was like, did we really fight the Cod Wars for nothing? Not any more!