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So much so that the only serious criticism that can today be addressed to the authorities in matters of prediction is not to have funded, after SARS 1, the research that would have made available to the medical world genuine instruments of action against SARS 2.
I dunno anything about this... but is there a reason whey they should have concentrated on SAR S2 instead of Ebola 2 or Swine Flu 2 etc? Or Something Else 7 for that matter? Maybe there is but I don't see it in what he says.
Trump is all over the shop with the ventilator situation; first it was Obama's fault that there aren't enough, then the states weren't gonna need as much as their medical experts and governors were asking for cos he knew more about it. Now this tweet

General Motors MUST immediately open their stupidly abandoned Lordstown plant in Ohio, or some other plant, and START MAKING VENTILATORS, NOW!!!!!! FORD, GET GOING ON VENTILATORS, FAST!!!!!!
He's properly panicking I guess. US has just gone over 100,000 cases.
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Well-known member
I'm afraid trying to analyze most things trump says is a waste of time. he's like petulant child, lashes out in any given direction on any given day for any given reason.


Yeah you're right Leo... it's just a scab I can't stop picking at. But fucking hell 100,000 reported cases, a week ago there were 200,000 in the whole world.


Wild Horses
Hungary we're locking down tomorrow. My gf located me a big tyre, which I just dragged across town, and I eventually managed to locate some push up bars. I'm ready.

Basically 9-12 will be Granny shopping time. I suspect, ironically, the supermarkets will be really busy tomorrow midday.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Some supermarkets over here are apparently reserving the first hour they're open for medical staff, followed by a slot for pensioners. Which surely is the wrong way around to do it, when you think about it?


We went shopping yesterday and the shop (Auchan - French chain I think) was a lot better stocked than when we twice went just before lockdown. Then it felt as though everyone had panicked and bought all the meat (is there a quicker way to say that?) and that section was bare although there was at least something in every other section. As far as I can see, at the moment the supply chain is fine so there is no need to bulk buy crazily, though obviously it's a good idea to reduce the number of times you have to go out and buy stuff so stocking up a bit is sensible too I suppose.


Well-known member
I haven't purchased anything for three or four days But I notice there are queues outside all the shops, big and small. Which is boring.


It's gone the opposite way here... for the moment. Who knows what will happen though? I guess people are bored.. there is no-where else to go if you do go out. Heard about people here doing loads of errands for their parents or whatever - and then 'forgetting' something so they have to go back that afternoon or next day.


Darned cockwombles.
Christ, at least we have tests for healthcare workers now (or will do v soon). That was a purple patch of insanity for a while

Loving how people are questioning how we'll manage with Boris Johnson phoning it in as prime minister.


Loving how people are questioning how we'll manage with Boris Johnson phoning it in as prime minister.
It's funny that you say that cos I now realise that I have not seen one single person anywhere worry about that aspect of it.


No delay on the Brexit leaving thing though (contrary to what I read in the Telegraph and repeated here the other day)... apparently Johnson said he'd rather be dead in a ventilator.
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