ver$hy ver$h
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invegitation (correction, investigation)
What are the essential poems?
Here's one I have bookmarked - probably via Luka,What are the essential poems?
I'm not familiar enough to have an opinion on which are essential, but here's one I have bookmarked - probably via Luka.
did he respond?exasperated email i sent to Edmund a couple of years ago
This is one of our favourites View attachment 2309
did he respond?
And at that the fringes wither
With tight creedal echoes, bringing fear into the homely
Recital. Swear at the leather by the knee-joint
Shouts Jerome, crumbs ready as a favoured bribe.
i start to feel like i'm in a very hard exam set by someone belligerent - that barrage of questions - at least youve stopped doing it on here quite as muchexasperated email i sent to Edmund a couple of years ago
f I look again at note on metal I immediately ask
What is quality? It's a word with many possible applications and definitions so right at the start I'm mired in ambiguity.
Then, the theory of quality as essential? What is this theory? What does essential mean in this context?
Yes, mettalurgy, fine, identifying, isolating, extracting, intensifying particular qualities from within substance, seperating them from their mixed condition as also wheat from chaff etc with agriculture linked to metal technologies. That I can follow I think.
Now weight? This seems more speculative but also, ok, the Obelisk megalithic culture with its humping around of menhirs and stacking them in dolmens etc. Would anything be lost if we substitute durability for weight here? Or what about surface area?
What might the inherence of power mean?
Power dwelling in the stone itself? The object as opposed to the person exercising control over the object?
What does it mean to say weight is a mixed condition? Mixed with what? Granted weight may be measured by the force required to lift it but in what sense does that make it mixed? I don't follow.
Again I can see that mettalurgy involves extracting relatively pure substance from within mingled substance and also conversely melding purities to create alloys (possible analogy with breeding better crops and animals and with eugenics?) But not sure how this relates to weight per se.
Then there's more ambiguity. We find the word 'condition' and it seems to be used
in a way which would make it interchangeable with property or quality.
So- brightness, hardness, ductility.
Are these words being used interchangeably or do they have specific uses?
So when 'property' appears in italics does it mean the same thing as condition used above or is it something else? What is the nature of the distinction between formal and substantive?
Then when we encounter quality again, what does it mean now? "Was sharp and killed" so the quality contains those things and is not identical with them. Is quality here the nature of the substance in all its potentialities? I don't know. That with the introduction of metal we gain greater control over the environment, can apply greater force over greater distances so that our field of action is enlarged, fine.
What is the new quality of spiritual transfer? Is this quality in the same sense or has its meaning shifted? I don't know the answer? What is being transferred? The 'inherent' power of the object to the user of the object? What is new here? What does it mean to for the history of substance to shift into the theory of power?