

cat malogen
Juggling paradoxes of seriality is tricky


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I've had tons. I ended up working out the probability after it happened over and over again. If it happens once you can write it off as a coincidence. If you have a string of coincidences then you end up starting to 'believe' things. That got me eventually into trouble.
"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action."


cat malogen
Synchronous from multiple angles - was going to start a thread about music for opiates when Sufi posted about music for screaming. Didn’t want to throw contra-curveballs and introductory proviso - don’t take heroin, it’s full of fentanyl

Conversation recently with a client about music for nodding out to. They cited not wanting to quit using h because “it would completely alter my relationship with music”, a clear ruse but an intriguing one

Rather than think Kensington/Philly/Vancouver’s dystopian street scenes or uninspired dirges, client spoke about music which mimicked the effects of heroin on top of their favourite nod playlists. Asked a colleague expecting a list of electronic obscurities and instead they threw back

We have shown here that the opioid system is responsible for mediating the elicitations of both positive (pleasurable) and negative (sadness) emotional responses to music.

The brain’s own opioid system. Wonky analysis, ie “chills”, more the add ons re

Future studies using music stimuli in which anticipatory expectations are violated or computer generated music in which only the anticipatory component is included could be used to more clearly differentiate the anticipatory phase from the consumption phase in music.

@woops @wektor @markfell @s.n.d.


Well-known member
Rather than think Kensington/Philly/Vancouver’s dystopian street scenes or uninspired dirges, client spoke about music which mimicked the effects of heroin on top of their favourite nod playlists. Asked a colleague expecting a list of electronic obscurities and instead they threw back
This made me recall the connection between the wave of so called witch house and the opiate epidemic in the US.
Same music teenagers in Europe would listen to, while getting high on cough medicine easily available in the nearest pharmacy, which absolutely makes sense, but in the end it really is ex-junkie music more than anything.
SALEM merch is a good example:


Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
This made me recall the connection between the wave of so called witch house and the opiate epidemic in the US.
Same music teenagers in Europe would listen to, while getting high on cough medicine easily available in the nearest pharmacy, which absolutely makes sense, but in the end it really is ex-junkie music more than anything.
SALEM merch is a good example:

The dates on that top seem quite optimistic. Is the opioid epidemic really over, as such?


cat malogen
Kinnock on the tv during munch break, tried a translation sequence phonetically

cynhwch - produce
cynhwg - content
cynwg - as soon as

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
I keep getting it with Against the Day. I watched Hardcore which is partly set in Grand Rapids and the next time I picked up the book the place was mentioned. The same goes for Mexico. I was talking with someone in Mexico about Mexico and the cartels today then I picked up the book and one of the characters had ended up in Mexico.
  • Wow
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ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Was listening to a song I heard in Ferrara's Pasolini film earlier then found out today's the anniversary of Pasolini's death, also been watching some Argento stuff and was planning on watching Tenebrae soon then just pulled up something about Mason & Dixon in Rich's thread and one of the characters is called 'Tenebrae'.

There've been one or two other things recently too, but can't remember what they were. I've just been having one of those moments when stuff keeps cropping up.


cat malogen
Selectionally Synchronous Society, not your beloved SS, the ssssSSSSSSSSSS$$$$$§§§§§$$$$$$$SSSSSsssss