Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Without drawing any conclusions at all, the percentages of the vote (and distance from Tories) over the past 40+ years are interesting:

Blair (1997) 43.2% (+12.5)
Blair (2001) 40.7% (+9.0)
Corbyn (2017) 40.0% (-2.4)
Callaghan (1979) 36.9% (-7.0)
Blair (2005) 35.2% (+2.8)
Kinnock (1992) 34.4% (-7.5)
Corbyn (2019) 32.1% (-11.5)
Kinnock (1987) 30.8% (-11.4)
Miliband (2015) 30.4% (-6.5)
Brown (2010) 29.0% (-7.1)
Foot (1983) 27.6% (-14.8)

Starmer (2024) – I'd guess above Blair (2005) and possibly Callaghan. But he'll need to do better than Corbyn (2017) unless the LibDems make some sort of recovery (which isn't looking very likely).
Interesting that Corbyn's 2017 defeat was actually with a higher vote share than one of Blair's wins. Just goes to show how dependent the result is on how the vote is shared with the medium-sized and minor parties.


I don't fight, I run away
Interesting that Corbyn's 2017 defeat was actually with a higher vote share than one of Blair's wins. Just goes to show how dependent the result is on how the vote is shared with the medium-sized and minor parties.

Yes. And it wasn't far behind the "quiet landslide" of 2001.

But the fact that any party could have a parliamentary majority with just over a third of the popular vote — never mind a massive 66-seat majority — shows how completely stupid our electoral system is.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Yes. And the fact that any party could have a parliamentary majority with just over a third of the popular vote — never mind a massive 66-seat majority — shows how completely stupid our electoral system is.
Amen to that. No chance of it changing in the foreseeable, sadly.


Well-known member
Feel like for all the sleaze talk someone is going to find out starmer once charged some fruit to expenses then threw it away and then that's all that any of the papers will talk about

Banana Starmer Drama I can see it now

Or something similar

The useless twat


Well-known member
Don't know the first thing about the site but let's be honest this sort of dialogue/article, coming from a labour site, is only a further sign that the supposed opposition's spirit is more one of defeated animosity than anything else.

"Apathy rules" - it is the opposition's responsibility to provide an concept of change

They don't know how to do it as far as I can see. There is nothing wrong with aspiration, i don't understand why they're so scared of it


Lozza Fox
At this point I’m just grateful for the option of private medical insurance. I wouldn’t want to be treated by a political institution. An institution so sensitive it needs a round of applause just to finish work.
Interesting line of attack from a stage actor...

john eden

male pale and stale
Beginning to wonder if this sensible competence bit was slightly overstated.

Weird triumphalism from parts of the Labour left today. Crushing losses for this party stuffed to the gills with people you hate and policies you don’t like is it?


Beast of Burden
Beginning to wonder if this sensible competence bit was slightly overstated.

Weird triumphalism from parts of the Labour left today. Crushing losses for this party stuffed to the gills with people you hate and policies you don’t like is it?

They’re not all being triumphalist, to be fair. Some are falling back on the response that has historically put them on the road to electoral recovery: “British people are cunts”.


Well-known member
I think the idea of a professional in charge seemed appealing to many after it was clear that Corbyn's difficult second album had proved too awkward for most to take in. Unfortunately he just comes across as flaccid really, there's no hope to grasp at with him. All well and good being "forensic" in PMQ but no-one pays any attention to that really do they. Corbyn was a memetic flash in the pan, maybe, but at least he had some policies and ideas

If you were to compare the labour left to uk rap, as I do frequently, the dreariness only ever really cut through to a very small fraction of a music-listening public. But when you are able to attach a more upbeat resonance and hints of success, wealth, aspiration, it works and has been able to present success to a wider audience. I think most of the country would like to take a run at a bit of success and equality along with it. You'll see supposed punditry saying Hartlepool is full of racist knobheads today- framed through the "brexit party" discourse- but that's not what is actually going on is it.

To me this current "Labour" set-up look like weasels- I must have saw 30 different videos of Starmer saying oh we love what Boris is doing on the pandemic, as if this is somehow going to grasp at the teat of Tory voters? Then you get pictures taken in John Lewis looking at wallpaper as soon as there's a chance to turn the knife. It's opportunism and if the matter of corruption in incumbent government is a genuine scandal- it is, even if his shit flat is tip of the iceberg- then why do you frame it as a meme, for quick likes on socials. You're meant to be a serious man blah blah blah. The whole dialogue is deeply flawed from their part. You can't even act as if the press aren't on his side as he's had the Times' tongue up his arse for a year and even the Mail is gunning for Boris

Really what does Starmer present as an option, why should you be buying early bird tickets for his rave when he's got the same six DJs as Fabric did last month and the flyer is shit.


I don't fight, I run away
Weird triumphalism from parts of the Labour left today. Crushing losses for this party stuffed to the gills with people you hate and policies you don’t like is it?

It's just bitter revenge triumphalism really, after Labour centrist wankers spent four years fucking up Corbyn's chances. Aside from that I doubt many on the left feel anything much beyond disillusion and anger.


Beast of Burden
I think the idea of a professional in charge seemed appealing to many after it was clear that Corbyn's difficult second album had proved too awkward for most to take in. Unfortunately he just comes across as flaccid really, there's no hope to grasp at with him. All well and good being "forensic" in PMQ but no-one pays any attention to that really do they. Corbyn was a memetic flash in the pan, maybe, but at least he had some policies and ideas

If you were to compare the labour left to uk rap, as I do frequently, the dreariness only ever really cut through to a very small fraction of a music-listening public. But when you are able to attach a more upbeat resonance and hints of success, wealth, aspiration, it works and has been able to present success to a wider audience. I think most of the country would like to take a run at a bit of success and equality along with it. You'll see supposed punditry saying Hartlepool is full of racist knobheads today- framed through the "brexit party" discourse- but that's not what is actually going on is it.

To me this current "Labour" set-up look like weasels- I must have saw 30 different videos of Starmer saying oh we love what Boris is doing on the pandemic, as if this is somehow going to grasp at the teat of Tory voters? Then you get pictures taken in John Lewis looking at wallpaper as soon as there's a chance to turn the knife. It's opportunism and if the matter of corruption in incumbent government is a genuine scandal- it is, even if his shit flat is tip of the iceberg- then why do you frame it as a meme, for quick likes on socials. You're meant to be a serious man blah blah blah. The whole dialogue is deeply flawed from their part. You can't even act as if the press aren't on his side as he's had the Times' tongue up his arse for a year and even the Mail is gunning for Boris

Really what does Starmer present as an option, why should you be buying early bird tickets for his rave when he's got the same six DJs as Fabric did last month and the flyer is shit.

"What the Labour party really stands for" is nothing more than a mass hallucination.