Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Mr Tea could go and Mock the Week with his Saussure pun and it would literally be the funniest and most spontaneous thing anybody has ever said on its entire, never-ending, dismal, inexplicable series run.
I've never even watched it but just from seeing ads for it, when it was new years ago and I actually watched TV, I remember instinctively hating it, as much for the obviously scripted nature of what was ostensibly an "ad-libbed" panel "game" as for any other reason. Like it was the smokable freebase form of QI.


Well-known member
I did my long essay at uni on simone de beauvoir, together with Mary wollstonecraft and John Stuart Mill, basically tracing the development of early women's rights and feminism. The second sex is really good, she proper goes to town.


bandz ahoy
The one guy on mock the weak I thought was funny was Frankie Boyle. Who was famously cruel.

All the others I didn't notice being cruel , just deeply bland.


bandz ahoy
It must be quite liberating to be right wing and not have to worry about being cancelled.

In the LRB today i came across James Baldwin quote about the police, confronted with the hostile environment of the urban streets, (paraphrase) "retreating from their unease into a callousness that quickly becomes second nature".


bandz ahoy
Reminds me of one of my favourite Nietzsche quotes (I never read his books, natch) 'A joke is an epitath on an emotion'.


bandz ahoy
If anything bad happens to me or to anyone else that I can't cope with my instinct is to turn it into a joke. You might say I'm an alchemist everyman.


Well-known member
im very often sympathising with people railing against cancel culture and other manifestations of contemporary student politics. good ideas are always being crudely applied by hysterical people. millions of silly examples.


Beast of Burden
Even before Mock the Weak it was that twat Lee Hurst on They Think It's All Over. These gurning, chortling cunts making money saying any old shit that is not even as entertaining as the crap that gets chundered out here on a really slow day. It's been going on for fucking years. I hate these wankers.


Beast of Burden
Andy Parsons. Russell Howard. Punt and Dennis. Ed Byrne. David Mitchell. Chris Addison. I hate all of them.


Beast of Burden
Radio 4 comedy panel shows. Comedy Store. Edinburgh Fringe. Cancel all of them. Fuck them. They are a scourge. They suck all the joy, poetry and dignity out of the little bit of life left in this country.
Hahaha! What about the press shots? Comedy press shots. They’ve even got their own unique expression that’s used nowhere else but comedy press shots. Raised eyebrows, lips contorted to one side. Bit like Facebook profiles in 2004 but worse


bandz ahoy
Paradoxically, perhaps the most sewed natured popular sitcom of the last X years (Father Ted) was co written by a man who is now most famous for poisonously battling trans activists on Twitter.
