The Weather.

line b

Well-known member
Feels like you cant even go outside in the summer time because you legitimately might wind up in the hospital. Average temp in summer months is high 90's and theres always a week or two in there where 100 is cracked a few times


Well-known member
was in LA a few years back in June or July when they had an unusual heatwave, a week of 100 (it's always warm but usually more tolerable). you had to wear a hat because there wasn't a cloud in the sky and you'd pass out otherwise, and your perspiration would evaporate before it even had the chance to cool you.


Well-known member
theres a delirium that comes with drinking on a sweltering night that is quite fun. I don't miss it but it's an experience

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
theres a delirium that comes with drinking on a sweltering night that is quite fun. I don't miss it but it's an experience
You have to go further into it and watch films like Predator and Apocalypse Now. Anything where everyone on screen is also boiling and dripping with sweat. 12 Angry Men.


Yeah... could make a good list of those films... The Paper Boy from a few years back, Bad Lieutenant (the re-make), parts of Angel Heart etc Maybe Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
AC - we actually got it mainly for winter, the houses here are built to be cool and there is no heating, at night in Nov to Jan it can get down to near zero at night and it's unbelievably cold in the flat. Though if it gets above mid-thirties then we use it for cool too I guess. We certainly will if it gets to 44 again (that's 111 F) cos it's unbearable, like this heavy hot hand just holding you down. The cats aren't built for it either, think they could die, last time we had to put Leo in the fridge but I was really worried about shutting the door and him asphyxiating.


in je ogen waait de wind
in falling down the heat plays a big role. scorching temperatures in summer, no wind, traffic congestions all day long, the sky turning yellow just like the walls of your room after you've smoked cigarettes in it for a decade. it's hell.


Well-known member
When I first lived in Vietnam I was living in the top room of a house with a corrugated metal roof covering and no AC. Even with fans blasting I had to wrap rags around my forehead just to be able to see anything I was doing and sleep with a t-shirt to absorb the sweat from back. Was completely suffocating. I became a disciple of AC after that. I think dry heat might be a bit more bearable when your inside and impossible when your outside and humid heat is pretty much the reverse.


Well-known member
One thing I noticed about going to ac though was that you become completely reliant on it, your body never adjusts


cat malogen
Low grey skies, broken up with darker grey clumps of more cloud. Light drizzle. but mild. Typical British summer day.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Low grey skies, broken up with darker grey clumps of more cloud. Light drizzle. but mild. Typical British summer day.
Same in Devon today. Still, even if it's shit from now until September, I reckon April and May this year will have constituted the best British summer I can remember.