Totally Wired

constant escape

winter withered, warm
I mean, I think he's right. I can see where most of the time people might walk away from such an experience feeling, at most, refreshed. For it to have an effect beyond that, it seems you do need to be good at pulling your own strings - but then again, maybe auto hypnosis means something else, and we're talking about different things. I'm not familiar with the term.

constant escape

winter withered, warm
The only thing I can directly testify to is a sort of channeling of your energy/agency into a highly abstract... game? environment? activity? The objective being a certain slowing, even a sort of halting, of psychic movement.


Well-known member
Meth feels to me what it must be like to rush on ecstacy when you are a complete psychopath, no emotion or empathy , totally cold. Modanafil is a bit like that but without any pleasant feelings, I tried it just to stay awake whilst drinking when I was out and it is such an antisocial drug, felt very cold and not really interested in talking to anyone.
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constant escape

winter withered, warm
Maybe its because I'm visually/spatially oriented - might be strikingly different for someone who is inclined otherwise. Like I'm not sure how this would be expressed in aural/sonic (?) terms - I would imagine some of you could speak to this. I'm also largely stuck in the intellectual expression of a lot of it.

I'm sure there are countless other ways of describing or expressing this - but much of it resorts to paradoxical explanations (like some, even most, the dharmic stuff) that I think can be sidestepped.

Second order pragmatism is a f***ing mess of cerebrally contrived circuitry (and it might not even be possible), whereas this would be a sort of a settling/erasure of any such activity. They are close to being opposites, in this sense at least.
Modafinil was the same for me, took it at that Aphex printworks gig and felt very cleanly aware but kind of clinical and uninterested in people
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