The Garden of Forking Paths

constant escape

winter withered, warm
...because it is infinitely predictable? In how it structures
“Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line.”

Everything in nature is a fractal... the natural result of bifurcation........ 1/2... 1/4... 1/8... 1/16........
Can the term "fractal" apply to things that aren't really self-similar, but just involve that kind of bifurcating structure? I don't see why not.


I'm reading Deleuze on Leibniz now because it seems important so I will not be distracted by this thead... but carry on fellows you're doing God's work, which is to say, you're doing my thinking for me


Well-known member
“Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line.”

Everything in nature is a fractal... the natural result of bifurcation........ 1/2... 1/4... 1/8... 1/16........

my Texan mate is always going on about this stuff to me im inummerate but he keeps trying to explain and i keep pretending not to understand.


constant escape

winter withered, warm
That Quarantine Collective podcast episode talks about fractal labyrinths, each labyrinth having yet another one at its center.
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constant escape

winter withered, warm
Perhaps, but ramifying through the potential, rather than ramifying through the actual. Every decision instantaneously enables an infinite field of possibilities and disables an infinite field of possibilities. It seems the butterfly effect pertains more to actual consequences, rather than potential/possible consequences. But maybe people use it to mean either.
yes he's a knob in tone and approach but an interesting one. I enjoyed his takedown of IQ and ideas on heuristics


Well-known member
is anti-IQ? that's something. he does come across as one of the biggest dickheads on all twitter and thats really saying soemthing

constant escape

winter withered, warm
I read and enjoyed that when you shared it (wasn't sure who shared it). Makes me want to understand statistics way more than I do.

ver$hy ver$h

Well-known member
Luka did an internet survey which said he'd just won a Land Rover and had an IQ of 190, so he refuses to believe it isn't legit. Still waiting for the Land Rover though.


Well-known member
Luka did an internet survey which said he'd just won a Land Rover and had an IQ of 190, so he refuses to believe it isn't legit. Still waiting for the Land Rover though.

i've never got over 90 in any online IQ test let alone 190. i can't do them. they're way too hard.


Well-known member
"exams designed by unsophisticated nerds"

i like this bit.
Note the online magazine Quillette seems to be a cover for a sinister eugenics program (with tendencies I’ve called “neo-Nazi” under the cover of “free thought”.)
we did a great thread on quilette here. well, i was great on it and barty was pretty good too.