The Garden of Forking Paths


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@WashYourHands You think there's something to that idea that when you re-enter the space, it's like you're picking up where you left the space last time? I always wonder about that and your bit about "since the previous trip" and tragedy in the in-between feels like it's on that wave-length

Writing works like this too. In both cases there is an 'outside time' quality
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@WashYourHands You think there's something to that idea that when you re-enter the space, it's like you're picking up where you left the space last time? I always wonder about that and your bit about "since the previous trip" and tragedy in the in-between feels like it's on that wave-length

With chat about enlightenment, higher states of consciousness, spiritual experiences... there's the idea of not learning anything new, not going to a new place but remembering. and i get this with the best trips, an 'oh fuck. obviously! how have i been so daft?' and i think that makes sense when you consider all the stuff around the default mode network and the ego hub as a necessary filter for the purpose of keeping you focused on fucking and gaining things and achieving... take the filter off even a bit and youre flooded with more raw info and its bliss, your reality management programme is revealed as a trivial thing

constant escape

winter withered, warm
All this is saying is that a reaction can be spontaneous, or nearly spontaneous, when the initial materials have more energy than the products, so that energy is given out. When the reverse is true, the reaction is not spontaneous, because energy has to be supplied to the system to make it happen.

In mechanical terms, it might only take a small wobble to make a precariously balanced object fall off a shelf, but an object on the floor is not going to spontaneously leap up onto a shelf.
Yeah I heard it explained similarly, that a glass can break into shards "spontaneously" but the shards cannot spontaneously reform into a glass, but it didn't click then. The way you explained it was better.


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Mr Tea is a top level physicist that worked on CERN before leaving to do weapons research and development.


cat malogen
Age too. It had been 20+ years. I’m 48 now (jfc) and a lot of things have passed in those twenty odd years. Different person overall really. “Remembering” is a spot on term, it goes beyond discovering. The cosmic forehead slap as outlined by @shiels .

Two mates had just come off horrifically difficult stints working with dying Covid patients. Both expressed this to me via emails independent of each other in the build up, so I knew it could get knotty. We’d all lost parents since the last mission together too, you never really get over that, not to be maudlin but for context.

The snapback was quick on the way out and very easy and gradual on the way back. When you see a 24 hr Spar on the street as you emerge out of the wilds like Stig of the Dump, knowing there’s ice cold water and fresh-ish fruit to drink and eat, aka civilisation, then it can be a bit of paradox too - welcoming and disappointing. Added to that, these are old ardcore heads who insisted on revisiting this mix as soon as the keys were in the door. Imagine my poor House sensibilities (fuck off, this is the tits)



Wheezing Delueze telling you to go easy on the deterritorialisation

Never read Deleuze except the lectures you excerpted yesterday on Leibniz (Lecture 1+2). What does he say about all this, enlighten a young, eager mind looking for tutelage


Yeah I heard it explained similarly, that a glass can break into shards "spontaneously" but the shards cannot spontaneously reform into a glass, but it didn't click then. The way you explained it was better.

seems relevant to ideas about bifurcation and entropy

In programming there are certain migrations, which is to say, structural transformations of the data structure, than once you run them, you can't run em back. Most are reversible (rename this column, delete that column, merge these two tables) but sometimes when you structure chaos, there's no turning back, the shards won't break in the same way


Well-known member
No, tbh, I don't know what he says because I don't understand it but I read it as a trip manual. That makes it fun and relatable for me. My interpretations might be idiosyncratic as a result


ok, is it too early to call this a successful thread? I'm not gonna pat myself on the back, but I don't think it's too early to call this a successful thread.


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i never halluncinate but one time my mates got me mushrooms for my birthday and we were on parliament hill after dark coming up on them and i was giving it, i never get hallucinations, look at those mad green lazers coming out all the buildings and they said Luke, there are no green lazers.
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One of the baffling things DMT visuals do is the crisp morphing geometric digital grid perfection, nothing 'natural' about it


@pattycakes_ I dunno, I didn't make too much, I remember it was night, we were on the roof of one of the uni's buildings. It felt like a way of handling three dimensionality in all the darkness, of properly situating the people around me in the group without much light, without maybe all my perceptual functioning there

where have ya posted about it?