
bandz ahoy
and they must be able to guide them otherwise Paul just gets off the worm and hes fucking miles from his mates and has to spend days trudging back and maybe he can't even find them any more
You actually can see that he's able to steer the worm with the rope thingies in the film.

I don't know why it doesn't go under the sand again though.

Make it make sense

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
I don't know why it doesn't go under the sand again though.
The 'maker hooks' lift up the exposed parts of each of the worm's segments, which are sensitive to the abrasive sand particles, causing it irritation.




next brilliant film will be kingdom of the planet of the apes. no point going to the cinema till that comes out.
Saw that in Londy it ruled

Monkey Roman Empire

They hate a human because he teaches the monkeys to read. And they have to kill him


I love the scene where Tim and Zendaya are sandwalking. The ripples on the dunes. That whole part of the film the quiet before the storm. Love theme melody. felt so nostalgic and transcendent and sad. It was like watching eternity


I love how the sand dunes and ocean waves are always being compared they're the same thing, a kind of abundance and barrenness simultaneously


I love the scene where you think the Bene Gesserit woman is gonna give Feyd head. And instead she has him kneel and holds the gom jabbar at his neck.


I like how Jessica, from her maternal desire for the safety of her progeny, pushes her son and husband into power plays / world domination. All offensive maneuvers originate in defensive desires, that's an iron law


The bit where the Harkkonen blacksuits levitate is amazing. Did Corpsey say that's how he flies in dreams? It's so weightless and subtly surreal


bandz ahoy
Also they make the worms brake in the final battle so that's presumbly how they get off them safely

One qualm with old pesky paul's battle plan: they set off three nukes to bring down that wall

Doesn't that mean a whole shit ton of them are going to get radiation poisoning?
  • Haha
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Also they make the worms brake in the final battle so that's presumbly how they get off them safely

One qualm with old pesky paul's battle plan: they set off three nukes to bring down that wall

Doesn't that mean a whole shit ton of them are going to get radiation poisoning?
That's interesting actually because I think our understanding of radiation sickness was pretty underdeveloped in the 60s

I was reading about the Lucky Dragon No5, really amazing firsthand account written by one of the fishermen. That was the ship that was near Bikini Atoll. No one knew what was happening when their hair started falling out it was terrifying. Granted that was 1950s


bandz ahoy
Dave Batista's character is terrible in the second one (probably in the first, too). He's not a good actor obviously but the character is a complete moron.

Also, when the other Harkonnen guy takes over he somehow does what Batista couldn't do which is - ruthlessly attack/blow up a load of Fremen settlements?

Why didn't big thick WWE man just do that? It's the kind of thing he would have done

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
Also they make the worms brake in the final battle so that's presumbly how they get off them safely

One qualm with old pesky paul's battle plan: they set off three nukes to bring down that wall

Doesn't that mean a whole shit ton of them are going to get radiation poisoning?
The fusion reaction doesn't produce radioactive byproducts, and this being the far future, they've probably figured out some way of initiating and confining a fusion chain reaction that doesn't require a fission-based primary, as real-world thermonuclear weapons do.
The fusion reaction doesn't produce radioactive byproducts, and this being the far future, they've probably figured out some way of initiating and confining a fusion chain reaction that doesn't require a fission-based primary, as real-world thermonuclear weapons do.
A pure fusion device would create many radioactive byproducts when neutrons and gamma rays interact with atomic nuclei in the atmosphere, bomb casing, and any other matter in the way.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
A pure fusion device would create many radioactive byproducts when neutrons and gamma rays interact with the atmosphere, bomb casing, and any other matter in the way.
Gamma rays don't make things radioactive. The neutrons might be another matter, but the fact remains that the vast majority of lingering radiation ('lingering' meaning anything lasting longer than the prompt radiation emitted during the explosion) produced by a thermonuclear blast comes from the fission components of the bomb.

E.g. the Tsar Bomba was not only the biggest nuclear blast ever, but also very 'clean', due to nearly all of its yield coming from fusion.

"The explosion is one of the cleanest in the history of atmospheric nuclear tests per unit of power. The first stage of the bomb was a uranium charge with a capacity of 1.5 Mt,[37] which in itself provided a large amount of radioactive fallout; nevertheless, it can be assumed that Tsar Bomba was relatively clean – more than 97% of the explosion power was provided by a thermonuclear fusion reaction, which does not create a significant amount of radioactive contamination."
You said there would be no radioactive byproducts, and I corrected you by reminding you of neutron activation and various photonuclear reactions initiated by gamma rays. Admittedly, these would be mostly light radionuclides with short half lives, but long enough to frazzle the Fremen. You stand corrected, corpsey is right to be concerned about Paul's plan.

Mr. Tea

Let's Talk About Ceps
You said there would be no radioactive byproducts, and I corrected you by reminding you of neutron activation and various photonuclear reactions initiated by gamma rays. Admittedly, these would be mostly light radionuclides with short half lives, but long enough to frazzle the Fremen. You stand corrected, corpsey is right to be concerned about Paul's plan.
You're assuming the reaction is the same D-T fusion reaction used in current bombs, though. Whereas they may have found a way to harness D-D fusion, which produces fewer neutrons, or even D-p fusion, which produces none at all. In fact this would have another huge advantage over D-T fusion, because the only fuel required would be deuterium and ordinary hydrogen, both of which are stable, while tritium has to be continually replenished, since it's unstable with a half-life of about twelve years.