Resistence vs. Lines of Flight


Well-known member
Insofar as people are struggling, it's nothing like to the same degree.

Would you know if they were struggling?
We're talking about a place where the way things look are more important than the way things are.

"Overall, age-adjusted mortality rates from suicide in Japan were almost twice as high for males and almost three times higher for females compared with the United States. The rates for males were about three times higher than females within Japan, and about four times higher within the United States."


Well-known member
本音 (honne): Refers to one's true feelings or intentions—the way things really are from the heart.
建前 (tatemae): Refers to the facade or the outward behavior and statements one uses to maintain social harmony—the way things seem on the surface.

見た目 (mitame): Refers to the outward appearance, how something looks on the surface.
中身 (nakami): Refers to the contents, substance, or what’s inside (the way things really are).

Honne/Tatemae: More cultural and specific to social behavior, capturing the tension between personal feelings and societal expectations.
Mitame/Nakami: More literal and universal, applied to objects, appearances, or physical states.